Chapter Eight

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Ash awoke with a yawn, once again he’d spent the night in the Med Bay with Cookies lights healing the burns he’d sustained the day before. He opened his eyes and fell out of the bed as a black and red wolf stood with his front paws on the bed, being right at Ash’s face.

“What the flame, Tsubaki?” Ash exclaimed.

“Sorry, I couldn't wait patiently anymore. Today is one of the first days something big hasn't happened, yet. So the General and I decided to hold an official welcoming to you and the others that have joined us since your brother. We haven't had the time, with Sirius and everything, and I think the base needs some cheering up. Come on, it'll be fun.”

Tsubaki climbed off the bed and headed out the door expecting Ash to follow. Ash climbed to his feet and chased after the elemental, he could hear Tsubaki bounding ahead, no doubt using his powers to speed himself up. Ash quickly lost sight of him and began wandering through the base looking for him. Ash came across Mech, who was hard at work in the Armoury. He walked in and caught Mech by surprise.

“Oh Ash, sorry I didn't see you there,” He said turning and moving his goggles up his head. “Can I help you with something?”

“Oh no it's fine, I was just wondering if Tsubaki had come by here?” Ash replied.

“Knowing Tsubaki he has, he could run the length of this base in… oh I'd say a minute or two. But I've been too deep in my work to notice anyone come by unless they actually came in. Sorry.”

“It's fine, do you know where this thing he holding is?”

“Umm, hold on,” Mech flicked his goggles down and Ash saw small screens flash to life on the lenses. “It's down the hall to the left, go about two corridors down and it's the first door on your right.” He flicked his goggles off his face, “Sorry I don't usually get to explore much of the base, I've been stuck between here, the cafeteria, and my room for the last few years. I'm too important to this base to be let loose.”

“That sucks. How about this, one day when it's really quite, I'll take you out into the forest. We can run around and explore together.”

“That’d be cool,” Mech blushed. “Thanks Ash.”

“No problem, I should probably get going, they'll be waiting for me,” Ash replied as he smiled and turned to exit.

“Uh Ash wait, I have something here…” Mech began to scrounge around in a pile of electronics on a table. “Ahh! Here it is,” Mech exclaimed as he pulled a small backpack out of the pile. “This is for your brother, I hope he likes it.”

“What is it?”

“You'll have to wait and find out. Now hurry along.”

“Wait aren't you coming?”

“My work is too important, I'll catch up with you later though, promise.”

Ash nodded, put the backpack on and headed out.  He followed Mech’s instructions and made his way through the base. Sounds began this fill his ears as he neared the door, he opened it and everyone's eyes fell upon him.

“It's about time Ash,” Tsubaki said from a raised stage at the right side of the room. “Get up here.”

Ash walked in and spied the other elementals. Aylin, Jinx, Cookie, Voltier and a few others were standing in front of the stage while Tsubaki, Glaziel, A’rien, Fayne, and Kato stood on the stage. Ash climbed up with the others and Tsubaki began.

“Elementals, we are gathered here today to officially welcome these elementals into our fold. We only planned on having two new recruits join us, but then one of them had to run off and rescue three more,” Tsubaki stated as he turned back to Ash. “But luckily they are all safe and sound and are here today. So for those of you who do not know who they are, we have Asher, the Drago-wolf who commands Fire. Ash will be training with Aylin until he joins a squad. Next up we have Glaziel, the Arctic wolf who wields Ice. Meet A’rien, the hippo who uses Darkness to fool her enemies. Now I owe my life to the next little Hellhound, his name is Fayne. Now I trust him and so should all of you, Fayne is a Death elemental but that shouldn't mean you treat him any different. And lastly we have Kato, a Lightning Elemental able to rival Voltier in skills and power. These five elementals are joining D.A.R.E to help fight against Sirius and to protect the humans. This concludes the formal part of the ceremony, now let's have a whee meet and greet.”

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