Chapter 3

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Katalina's P.O.V

I ran into Seventeen. Shoot! This is bad. I don't think Woozi believed my new name. How did they know I'm Katalina? This is bad. Really bad. I might need to move again. But only Woozi knows, right? I won't move till all of Seventeen might know who I am. I can't let that happen though.

I was already at my house, I needed to see where everyone is. If they tell Exo or anybody else, I'm in big trouble. It's dangerous. I know this type of thing doesn't seem dangerous, but it really is. You see, even though we aren't humans, Magic and creatures have their laws as well.

For magic, you can't use it on innocent humans, unless it's to help them or heal them. You can't let them see it since it's a danger to Magic users.

Magical creatures aren't allowed to show any thing that's even close to giving out their true for. Say, if you're a bunny hybrid, you can't show your bunny ears or tail. Or if you're an angel, you can't show your wings or halo. Well, your halo is more of a weapon than a part since you throw it sometimes.

One thing that I know for sure that applies for both, it's that we cannot let anyone know your alive if they think your dead. I know it's a stupid rule, but it's dangerous. If they have their heart set on finding you and they send out hundreds of search parties, that could cause a commotion and some people might actually use their powers on accident.

Seventeen, Exo, SNSD, BTS, Orabelle, Camellia, Azura, Eunjung, Huangjia, and Luvenia think I'm dead. Maybe even the kids. I don't want this to happen. Maybe I can convince them that I'm not alive by appearing in a ghost like form. But how? I don't have my things to make any potions and I'm pretty sure I've forgotten the spell. I guess I'll be taking a trip to the library of Magic in the old school. Thing is, I can't be seen.

I make myself invisible before teleporting to the library of Magic. I go in and look around for the section I need. It's hard to find it in the millions of books. I fly to get the books at the top which has the most powerful spells. Yes, the ghost form spell is one of the most powerful spells. Form changing spells are one of the most powerful spells. It hard to master unless you have reached ultimate in your main spell.

I fly to the section that says 'Form changing spell books'. It was in the most secretive corner at the top. These are spells that the people here probably don't want students to learn. I look through the books, they were all pretty thin books, but the books were all separated into different spells. 

I look for the ones that says something with ghost form changing. I see a few books, at least around eleven or so. I have to read all of these. They were actually really thin. I guess there isn't a lot of people who use this, they never had to anyways.

I bring the books down to the table in a dark corner. I made a light ball for me to use as a reading light. I open the first book on the stack. It was called 'Form changing spells'. While I was looking through this, it said 'Ghost Form' in the table of contents so I figured it would help.

'Ghost Form changing is one of the most dangerous forms. If used wrong, it will lead you to be in that form forever. You must use this properly. You need materials for this spell.

-Ghost flower

The rest of the page is ripped, I couldn't see the other ingredients. That means I have to find more lists in different book.

I looked through a different book. 'The history of Ghost Form Spells'. It didn't help either. None of these help. I'm looking through the last book when the library door opens. I get rid of the ball of light and get hide the book with me as I turn invisible. 

"Huh?" The person was Luvenia.

"That's weird. I thought all the books were put away." she mumbles.

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