Chapter 5

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I enter the house with everyone in it. Everyone looked over to where everyone entered, but seemed to pay no mind that I was here. I was happy because they didn't see me. I was sad because I really wanted to hug them and greet them and let them see me again, but I couldn't because that would mean they would see me and everything would get messed up. My only option was to stay invisible and only let Jeonghan, Joshua, Woozi, Chan, and Seungcheol see me. Though, it will get lonely and boring if I'm not talked to. I might just leave in the middle of the night or I'll stay till everyone goes to bed.

"You're back, finally. That took forever." Vernon says.

"Sorry, we got a bit lost. Joshua's sense of trying to find where that Amethyst girl is messed up. We ended up at the mountains and struggled to find our way back." Jeonghan explains.

"I know Jeju is over 1000 kilometers, but can you really get lost in this place?" Seungkwan says.

"We did, it's at least out first or second time here." Joshua says.

"Say, did you find the Amethyst girl? I'm getting curious. She looked a lot like Katalina, just a bit different." Hoshi asks.

"Nope, we didn't. We were hoping to though." Woozi says.

"I have an idea. If you see her again, drink the truth potion so that you can tell who she really is." Wonwoo says.

"But she's really fast, isn't she?" Mingyu says.

"That is true, why don't you make speed potions?" Wonwoo suggests.

"Oh! My mom is a potion brewer! I can ask her if she can make us speed potions. Or we can somehow get back to Magi and ask Taehyung's dad to make us some speed potions." Seungkwan says.

"That's good, why don't you ask her now?" someone says.

Now that I look at it, there were five boys who I didn't recognize. They seemed like really good friends with Seventeen though. It was rather crowded and hard to get past everybody without accidentally touching one of them.

Seungkwan left the room to go find his mother. Everyone went back to their normal conversations. Woozi went to Hoshi, Chan went to Seungcheol, and Joshua and Jeonghan stayed together. I stayed with Joshua and Jeonghan because they were the only pair that both knew about me. Other than Seungcheol and Chan of course.

'So, what are we going to do about Katalina?" Jeonghan asks.

"I don't know, but we have to keep a normal conversation until Seungkwan comes back. We can also include her if she wants." Joahua says.

"Katalina, wanna join in our conversation?" Jeonghan asks, still looking at Joshua to avoid suspicion."

"Sure, but make sure to keep quite when you say my name. And act like you're just talking to each other. So that it sounds like you aren't directly talking to me." I say and sit on the chair behind the couch they were sitting on.

"Of course. What is the thing in the past that you were talking about because you can't go along, what is it?" Joshua asks.

"It was the fight in the castle. I regret ever hurting you guys in anyway. It makes me sad that it happened. I know I had no power over it because of the curse, but I still feel regret over it. I feel horrible that I even tried to hurt you guys. You were so nice to me and the curse took over me so quickly that I had treated you horribly. The curse in now gone, but I can't move on with the regret of trying to hurt any of you guys." I say sadly.

"It's fine, you can move on. We forgive you. All of us are actually grieving because she died. We wish we could see her again." Jeonghan says.

"Is that really true? Yo guys still act like your normal selves. Look around at everyone. They're laughing and smiling like they all used to." I say.

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