Chapter 6

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I wake up and get out of my bed. I quickly change out of my pajamas and change into normal clothes. I know Seventeen is curious about me. I have a feeling they don't really believe that I'm a twin, which I'm not. Though, I'm scared that they might possibly know that I'm Katalina, but hey. I wanna take my chances.

I wore a long, white, light sundress that ended just a bit above my ankles. I also wore a pair of white sandals. I left my hair down, but it was a bit wavy today.

I exit the house, or whatever you want to call it, and go into the mountains. I turn myself invisible and make my way out of the area.

"Hey Amethyst." I hear from behind me startling me.

"Oh my- Hey Joshua." I say seeing who it is.

"How do you know my name?" he asks.

"Oh, um, I..." I stutter.

"I'm assuming Katalina might've told you. we're all in the field. We can do introductions there. I was on my way to get the group drinks and saw you over here. Wanna join us?" he asks.

"S-Sure, can I get something really quickly?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be waiting here for you." he says.

"Alright." I say walking away.

I had to give myself some time to breathe. I almost blew my cover. If I did, I would've been done for. Thank goodness for my twin cover. That can only last so long though. If I meet Luhan again, I know that he's going to sense that I'm his mate and that will mess everything up even more. So if we get close and they invite me to come over, I'll have to refuse.

I go over to the stall that was selling the jewel statues. It's the same stall I got the dragon from.

"Hello your majesty, what are you here for?" she asks.

"Do you have any zodiac statues?" I ask.

"I do, I have duplicates if you need more than one." she says.

"Well, there's a lot I need. I need thirteen." I say.

"Which ones do you need then?" she asks.

"I need one Leo, one Libra, two Capricorn, two Gemini, one Cancer, two Scorpio, three Aquarius and one Aries." I list.

"My, that's a lot. No worries though. I have all of those right here." she says grabbing all of the statues and handing them over to me in a bag.

"Thank you so much." I say handing her a bit of money.

"Thank you for buying from my store princess." she says. 

"You're welcome." I say leaving with the bag in my hand.

"Oh, you're back?" Joshua says. "Come on then, I think they're all waiting for me in the field."

I nod and we both head for the field. On our way there, he texts something to the others before putting his phone away. I was curious about what it was, but I left it alone. I follow him there and I see all of them in the field. Either lying down or wrestling with each other.

"Hey guys!" Joshua smiles.

"Hey, Joshua! Oh, Hey to you too Amethyst!" they greet.

"Hi." I say.

"What's in the bag?" they ask.

"It's something I wanted to give to you guys." I say.

I take out every single statue and give them their respective statues. All of them looked shocked when they got it. I mean, they are intricate. 

I'm still here (Book 2) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now