Lucky's Last Battle

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Stampy wasn't here yet.

So what is the smell?

"Hey guys? You smell that scent, too?" I barked.

Barnaby nodded, then his eyes looked off into the distance.

Barnaby is the oldest dog, and the leader, of our wolf pack.

Next to Gregory, of course, but he died.

Killed by a skeleton or something, which is horrible!

Suddenly Barnaby growled.

"It's HitTheTarget!"

A player walked in.

It was not Stampy.

Or Lee.

Or Squid.

Or Amy, Rosie or anyone!

Anyone I know, at least.

"Get back!" Barnaby commanded as 'HitTheTarget' slowly made his way to us.

Me and Sherbet ran under the Bridge.

Some dogs went to stand behind Barnaby.

HitTheTarget grinned.

"Hello Barnaby- and all dogs," he greeted us all.

"Will you mind me borrowing two of your lovely wolves, Barnaby? I'm getting attacked by some mobs. I do not want them destroying my base, so I need help."

Barnaby barked, "no HitTheTarget! You cannot take my Pack Mates!"

But of course he didn't understand Barnaby.

Players never do.

"Well, then. Let me see."

He walked to the bridge.

Fluffy ran over to me and Sherbet.

I hid behind Fluffy, and Sherbet behind me.

HitTheTarget walked past us, but to some others.

I could only make out Oreo and the fur of Tikka.

I wanted to bark at Oreo and Tikka to run, but I couldn't.

It felt like there was a piece of porkchop stuck in my throat.

Leaping up in mid-air, Barnaby attatched himself onto HitTheTarget's arm.

HitTheTarget cried out in pain.

Barnaby growled a warning.

And soon, HitTheTarget was gone.

"That was HitTheTarget," Barnaby explained. "He tries to steal us, turn us against Stampy, and join his wolf army."

"That is horrible!" I heard Oreo gasp.

"It is," Barnaby agreed. "And I am your Pack Leader, and so I must protect you all."

"And we will protect you back," Fluffy barked.

"Yes!" I agreed.

Barnaby smiled.

"That's great! But, HitTheTarget is back, and we must be prepaired. I want some you to growl at Lee, and Stampy will hopefully get the message, because we would be growling. Now, Oreo and Tikka will be outside, but NEARBY the doghouse. Okay? Stampy will be here soon!"

We all nodded, and Oreo and Tikka went outside.

Stampy walked in.

Fluffy and Sherbet started to bark at Lee and when Stampy made me stand up, I 'attacked' Lee.

"Very well, Lucky!" Barnaby barked. "Don't hurt him!"

And he continued to yelp.

Stampy made me sit again.

"Lucky, bad dog! Sit down and say sorry to Lee!"

I sat and barked happily at Lee.

"Good boy, now are you going to behave?"

I 'nodded' and stood up again.

"Alright, let's go!"

I followed Stampy outside.

"Good luck, Lucky!" Fluffy called.

I nodded.

"Luck, is my middle name!"

We were outside, and Lee kept on looking worriedly at me.

Does he know HitTheTarget is back?

I shook my fluffy head and looked for Tikka and Oreo.

I scented Oreo's scent and Tikka's nearby.

"Oh!" Stampy gasped.

"Tikka, Oreo, what are you doing here? Anyway, come with us!"

They stood up and followed us.

"Will we find HitTheTarget?" Oreo asked.

"Oooh! Maybe we have to fight him!" Tikka yelped happily.

"HitTheTarget might be strong," I rememinded them.

Suddenly, I did not want to go.

But if I do have to fight, I would fight for Stampy, Fluffy, and Barnaby.

I wouldn't want to let my friends down.

Who would?

I scented a familiar scent when a arrow landed by us.

"Whoa!" Stampy yelled out in suprise.

Lee got his sword ready and his arrows.

"Guys! Its HitTheTarget!" Oreo gasped.

Stampy showed his sword.

"Hello again, Stampy."


Okay, sorry its short!

And this story might not be going like the actual video.

And this book may be a series!


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