Lucky's Last Battle

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"What's all this commotion?!" Stampy asked, walking into the club house holding Duncan.

"We don't know, Stampy." Lee replied.

Breadstick looked at me, "Let's go before we cause more trouble."

I nod, and follow Breadstick as we leave.

"Can we take a walk around the house, Breadstick?" I ask.

"Sure. As a dog you need exercise." Breadsticks before chuckling.

I look at him, confused.

"I need exercise too. Been stealing cakes from Lee," Breadstick looked at me with a smile.

"Breadstick! Don't steal from Lee!" I laughed.

"Sorry Lucky! I'm sorry!" Breadstick said, laughing now as well.

Breadstick and I walked around Stampy's land, and I see a nether-brick castle that looks familiar.

Too familiar.

It is HitTheTarget's castle.

Breadstick notices too, and looks at me.

"Let's see what HitTheTarget is up to, shall we?" He asked, and I growl quietly.

"Its okay; We don't have to." Said Breadstick softly.

I shook my head, "No, we may be able to help our friends by gathering information."

He nods in agreement. "If you're up to it, Lucky."

"Breadstick, I said that I'm fine with it."

He sighs, and nods, and started to walk to the castle, me following behind.

Breadstick and I walk through the walls, and enter a hallway.

"Shall we split up?" I ask him, and he shakes his head 'no.'

"That won't be a good idea."


We continue walking until we hear some talking, and footsteps.

Someone comes around the corner, and walks into the room.

Breadstick goes into the room, and I follow him.

Inside, there were signs, maps, weapons, pictures and cages.

Its HitTheTarget's office.

"I'll duplicate myself in the machine the cat has build," HitTheTarget murmurs.

"My dog army will replace the cat's dogs, and his dogs will be here, in these cages. The black cat, whatever her name was, Danny will get and bring here

"My dogs will attack whenever they will stand up. The cat will not take a dog, and take the black cat. But that one is gone. Then, the cat will look for his beloved kitty! And I'll have my chance to trap the cat, and take over his land!" HitTheTarget calls out happily.

I gasp, "No..."

Breadstick closes his eyes.

"We must warn them." He says.

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