Lucky's Last Battle

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"Can I talk n-now?" Amy asks, but Breadstick shakes his head.

"No, I'm so, so sorry Amy..." He trails off.

"Okay, I get it. Its fine, whatever." Amy says, all her tears gone.

Rosie and Squid walk in, laughing.

Oh no!

Now they can see us!

I look at Breadstick.

"C-Can they see us too, Breadstick?" I ask worriedly.

He shakes his head, "I hope not."

Squid and Rosie stopped when they saw Amy.

"Oh hi Amy! What are you doing here?" Rosie asked.

"Hi. I, uh, thought I heard, um, Mittens. Yeah! I thought I heard Mittens up here." Amy smiled.

"All right then, was Mittens here?" Squid looked around.

"Ye- I mean no! No, Mittens wasn't here," Amy looked behind her at us, but her look said that she had no idea where we were.

"You're lying, I know it, Amy." Rosie said, walking over to her friend and hugging her.

Amy looked at Rosie, "I saw Breadstick and Lucky. We talked. It wasn't my imagination!"

Breadstick looked at Amy, "Oh no... She shouldn't have said that!"

"Why Breadstick?" I ask curiously.

"Well, Lucky, she has been 'connected' with us in some way, which is bad enough. Now she has told Squid and Rosie, which is even worse!" Breadstick explains.

Squid shakes his head, "Amy, that's not possi-"

"Do you think I am lying?" Amy asked.

Rosie shook her head, "Amy, he means that you miss them too much and that you may be.. Seeing.. Things."

Amy nodded, "I see how it is."

"You do?" Rosie asks, confused.

"Yeah! You think I am crazy! Do you think I am also hearing things now?" Amy was hurt.

"No! T-That's no-" Rosie began but Lee walked in.

"What's going on here?" He asked.

"I'M NOT CRAZY!" Amy yelled and ran out the clubhouse.

Lee looked at her, then at Rosie and Squid. "What?"

"We don't know, Lee, we don't know."



Sorry for the short chapter, you guys just need something to read c;

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