Lucky's Last Battle

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"Lucky! Lucky, wake up!" I heard a voice call.

Slowly, I opened my left eye, then my right eye.


"Lucky its time for practice," The voice called again.

I groaned and sat up, from my comfy spot by Fluffy.

Careful not to wake her up, I moved away from her and went over to Breadstick.

I yawned, "how high is the sun?"

"Not even up."

Looking up at Breadstick, I see him smiling.

"Let's go, Stampy won't wake up anytime soon," and with that, Breadstick and I went to Stampy's house.

"What will we do, Breadstick?" I asked the ghost.

He looked at me, "learn to move objects. We talked about it yesterday, haven't we?"

Slowly nodding, I follow Breadstick to the familiar road to Stampy's home.

The walk wasn't long, of course, but it was still enjoyable.

Breadstick stopped by the door and looked at it.

"Will we be able to walk through it?" I look at Breadstick for an answer.


He puts his arm forwards towards the door, and it goes through.

I bark and run through it, followed by my friend soon after.

"Let's go to the clubhouse, there's more room there," Breadstick suggests.

"Sure!" I bark happily and follow Breadstick through confusing hallways and up stairs.

We walk through a door to find a beautiful, open room with a bar and a table.

And.. Is that a DJ Stand?

I heard Stampy talk about it before.

Breadstick goes to a flowerpot and stands in front of it, moving his arm slowly.

The petals of the flower move slightly when he moved his arm.

He turned to face me, "this takes concentration, Lucky. Think about it moving to a spot, because when you think enough, it will move."

"Okay.. But I only have paws!"

Breadstick nods, "of course you do. That's why you either use your tail or a paw. Whichever is better."

Taking in the words I go to another flowerpot.

I sit in front of it and lift my paw up to it, losing my balance and falling over with a yelp.

Breadstick turns to me, chuckling when he sees me on the ground.

Standing back up quickly, my ears grow hot with embarrassment.

"Try to use your tail."

I nod, and focus my gaze at the flower pot in front of me.

Focusing my tail as well, I think in my head, "the flowerpot goes left. Left goes the flowerpot..."

The flowerpot moves a little to the left when I move my tail to the side.

Of course I was still thinking about the flower pot moving.

I glance to my right where Breadstick is, and the flowerpot is floating above his hands.

"Wow," I gasp.

Breadstick smiles, "Cool, huh?"

I nod with a grin.

Suddenly a scream is heard by the door, and I look to my left where it is.

Amy has saw us.

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