Lucky's Last Battle

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Amy has saw us! I thought with panic.

Breadstick quickly set the flowerpot down back on the shelf.

"Breadstick, she's seen us!" I bark, looking at him worriedly.

"Not seen, Lucky. Just the flowerpots," he replied, worry at the edge of his tone.

I looked at a horrified Amy.

"But... But you're dead!" She cried, a tear escaping from her eye.

Breadstick looked at me, and I looked at him.

"Who does she mean, Breadstick?"

"I don't know. You?"

"But she would've called me then."

"Maybe both?"

"Maybe both."

Breadstick thought for a moment, before speaking.

"Jump in my arms, let's see if she can see both of us." He ordered.

Nodding, I jumped into his arms when he held them out.

"Aren't I heavy?" I looked at Breadstick with a questioning look.

"Nothing's heavy in Heaven."

Breadstick started walking to Amy, who was on the edge of crying.

I barked a happy, but loud, bark, and Amy's eyes widened.

"L-L-Lucky? Is that you?" Amy asked shakily.

Of course she'd recognize my bark; it was shorter than the others.

"Amy? Amy, can you see us?" Breadstick whispered.

We were in front of Amy now, a waterfall of tears escaping her eyes.

"Yes, I can see you."

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