Lucky's Last Battle

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I remember HitTheTarget's words.

"Sorry to break your moment... But we need to warn Stampy and the others." I interrupt.

Breadstick puts Aqua down.

"Yes, yes. Sorry Lucky." He said.

Aqua looks at us, confused.

"What... What have I missed?" She asked.

"We went to explore HitTheTarget's castle. He had a plan, and thought to go here to warn Stampy." I explain.

She nods, "But... How?"

Breadstick looked like he was deep in thought.

"We'll need to get in someone's body," He said.

"But... Amy can see us right? Why not tell her?" I ask quietly.

He sighed. "Amy is seen as crazy right now, remember?"

"Oh, yeah..." I sigh.

Aqua looks at Breadstick. "I can try! I can try! Can I try!?"

He looks at her, "I don't want you to get hurt-"

"Look at me, Breadstick! How can I get hurt? I'm a ghost, I'm dead!" She said with a small growl.

Breadstick looks at Aqua, "All right. But be careful, anyway."

She nods. "What do I do?"

"You get into Lee's body and tell Stampy that HitTheTarget is coming, and that he needs to get ready and protect his dogs," Breadstick explained.

Aqua nods. "Okay! Will do! Where's Lee and Stampy?"

I laugh, "Behind you!"


Lee looks up from Rosie's side. "Why don't you go fishing or something with Squid?"

Rosie nods and gets up, walking out the door, wiping her tears.

Lee sighs, "Stampy... We need to be careful with the dogs. They are all dying..."

Stampy nods, "Lee I see that."

Breadstick looks at Aqua, "Go on."

Aqua looks back at Breadstick and runs to Lee, 'hopping' into him.

It looked very, very, weird!

Suddenly Lee's eyes, or maybe Aqua's eyes I'm not sure, glow blue.

"Stampy, HitTheTarget has returned. Get ready for battle and protect your friends." Aqua said, and Lee's eyes stop glowing blue and Aqua emerges from Lee's body.

It looked weird...


Stampy looked at Lee, "L-Lee? HitTheTarget? W-What?"

"We'd better get prepared." Squid said from the doorway.

What? When did he get here?

"Good job Aqua!" I hear Breadstick say, but my attention is on Squid.

"Isn't Rosie with you?" Lee asked, and Squid shook his head.

"No... Why?"

"Where's Rosie, then!?" Lee's eyes go wide in shock and surprise.

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