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*Daniela's P.O.V *

I woke up to Matt trying to wake me up. He kept saying things like:

"Baby! Wake up!"


"Daniela Patricia Balbi!"

"It's MAGCON today!"

I was awake but decided to pretend I was still asleep. He started to blow air in my face but I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey! Have you been awake all this time?" he said.

"Uh...No?" I started to laugh.

"You little monkey!" He said and with that he started to tickle me. I laughed so hard I started to loose air.

"Matt! I can't breathe, stop!" I screamed out. He stopped and lead beside me.

"That will teach you for messing with me" he said while kissing my nose.

After we lead in bit for a bit just talking we decided to go downstairs. When we got downstairs everybody looked at us. Did we do something?

"Have fun up there?" Carter said raising his eyebrows.

"Shut up Carter" I said walking over to fridge and playfully punching his arm in the process.

I got out the milk and got the frosted flakes out of the cupboard and made a bowl of cereal.

"Daniiiiii, could you please do us a favour and make us some breakfast" Aaron said while pouting. Everybody looked at me, including Matt. How could I say no to Matt?

"Fine! What does everyone want?" and the response I got was "PANCAKESSS!" I was guessing everyone wanted pancakes.

I made all the pancakes, enough for everyone. After we ate we all got ready for the limo to pick us up to take us to MAGCON. I was so excited!


When we arrived at the venue all I could hear were the cries and screams from the girls outside. Woah, I have never seen this many girls at once in my life! When we got out of the limo I held Matt's hand as we walked in. Some of the girls gave me the death stare but I just shook it off.

When we got inside we had an hour till the show started. So the boys just rehearsed while me and Chloe took pictures with each other and watched the boys. This was going be entertaining.

*Show Time*

It was time for the boys to go on stage. Me and Chloe watched them from backstage and it was so funny untill Matt said something that caught my attention.

"Dani! Chloe! Come up here!" Matt said and me and Chloe looked at each other and went of stage. I joined Matt and Chloe went over to Hayes.

"Uhh...Matt. What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Guys! Well Girls...Me and Hayes have an announcement to make" Matt says. By this time Chloe and Hayes were stood right next to us at the front of the stage.

"This is my girlfriend Daniela. If you give her any hate I know your not a real fan. You got that?" He let out a little laugh. I started to blush and he held my hand.

"And this is my girlfriend Chloe. Don't be mean people!" she started to giggle and kissed him on the cheek.

This show was going well already. I love Matt so much.

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