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*Matt's P.O.V *

The rest of MAGCON went pretty well. The meet and greet started after the show and honesty it wasn't so bad. I must have took photo's with over 500 girls. Even Daniela was asked to take photos with some of the girls which warmed my heart because all I hoped was that she would be accepted. The meet and greet lasted about 4 hours. Maybe more.

After the meet and greet I held Daniela's hand and we went back stage and talked for a bit until the rest of the boys came backstage to join us. Taylor looked a bit angry and I had no clue why.

Me and Daniela were chatting as she sat on my lap until Taylor took her off my lap and grabbed my collar and pushed me up against the wall.

"Taylor! What are you doing?" Daniela shouted. I could tell she was going to cry.


"What? Can I not kiss my own girlfriend?" I sassed back. Now Daniela was in tears and Nash was comforting her.

"Dude! Just stop okay?" Cam said dragging Taylor off of me and took him out the room.

I went over to Daniela, who was in tears and hugged her tight. I bent down to her hight and looked into her eyes.

"Hey! It's okay! Don't cry or you'll make me cry" I said tickling her tummy.

She punched my arm playfully and hugged me once more and kissed me on the cheek.

"Matt. I think I should go talk to Taylor." She sounded serious so I just nodded me head and sat down while she walked away.

*Daniela's P.O.V *

I walked into Taylor's dressing room where him and Cameron were sat. Taylor looked like he had been crying. Did he really like me that much? They both looked at me and Cam knew I wanted to talk to he got up and hugged me and left.

I sat down next to Taylor and he didn't make eye contact with me.

"Taylor?" I said quietly. He looked at me. He looked so sad. He then spoke.

"I'm sorry Dani, jealousy just took over and that's the only way I could get it out. I love you Dani and I wish the whole world could see that" he said. I felt bad for him so I hugged him tight and after about a minute I let go.

"I love you too Taylor. But as a friend. Well best friend even. But I love Matt and it will always be Matt. You understand right?" I said and I felt my eyes starting to tear up.

He nodded and hugged me. We walked out to Matt and apologied and bro hugged him. I'm glad they are friends again. We all decided to go back to the villa and hang out.

This was still the best experience ever.

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