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*Chloe's P.O.V *

It's been about 15 minutes since the whole incident between Matt and Daniela. Matt told us about what actually happend. He said the girl kissed him and wouldn't let him go. He also said that he wish he could apologise to Dani. I kinda feel bad for him. Speaking of Dani, where the heck is she?!

Me and Hayes were dancing near the door because thats where it was the least busiest. Then we heard a knock at the door. Who would be at the door at 9 o'clock at night.

Hayes said he was going to get drinks so I decided I would answer the door. I opened it to find a police officer with his hat in his hands. What.the.hell.

"Is Daniela Balbi staying at this residence young lady?" I nodded.

"Yes, shes my best friend. Why what's wrong with her? Is she okay?!?" I started to panic.

"Well sorry to tell you but your friend has been in a terrible accident and is at the hospital" he said. My heart skipped a beat. I thanked him and shut the door.

I ran to the kitchen and got the blow horn out the cupboard and went back into the room where everyone was. I blew the horn and everyone looked at me and Matt and Hayes came to the front of the crowd.

"Guys ... Daniela is in ... hospital". I then broke down into tears and hugged Hayes to comfort myself. I looked to Matt and he was emotionally injured.

I went up to him and hugged him and I told him we should go to the hospital. He agreed and Me, Hayes and Matt got in an uber and ask the driver to take us to the hospital. We told the other boys that if anything happens we would call them.

This is not the best celebration party in the world. It's the worst in fact. Poor Daniela. What about Matt? He must be destroyed. I fell so bad.

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