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Six Months Later:
"Have you seen my keys anywhere?" I shouted in panic, rifling through the collection of things on the coffee table and feeling between the couch cushions.
"Did you try the hook by the door?" Ross called from the hall in a calm and somewhat teasing voice.
"Yes of course I d-" I stopped dead as I looked up to find him now lounging against the doorframe, holding my keys aloft, a cocky smirk across his face.
"Ugh," I groaned, flopping down onto the sofa, raking my fingers through my hair in agitation.
"Hey, take a breath already, you don't need to stress out so much," He said comfortingly, drawing nearer and kneeling by my feet, his hands gently pulling mine from my face, before lacing his fingers between my own.
"This is my first audition since before we even moved here," I blurted out, "What if I screw it up, what if they laugh me out of the place?"
He chuckled warmly and shook his head.
"That's not going to happen. Have a little faith in yourself, Lena. I do."
A smile spread across my face at his reassurance.
"I wish it was that easy," I sighed.
"It is. You get up," He tugged me swiftly from the couch, making me squeak with surprise, "Then you smile, and you say, 'I can do this!'." He wrapped me in his arms, his face mere inches from mine, his eyes crinkling softly as they stared into mine. "Try it."
Taking a slow breath, I smiled as brightly as I could and recited:
"I can do this."
His lips were suddenly against my own, catching me off guard as he stole a sweet and tender kiss.
"And I can do that," He winked when he pulled away.
"Always," I whispered, kissing him again and feeling a little of my panic subsiding. "Wish me luck," I added as we broke apart and I scooped my keys up from where he'd placed them on the coffee table.
"Lots of luck," He nodded.
I smoothed my hands over my dress, pulling my blazer a little straighter and holding my head up.
"I can do this," I said again.
With a parting glance to Ross, I set off for the front door, looking back in confusion when he followed.
"Oh, did I forget to mention, I'm coming with you," He beamed.
"What? You are?"
"Of course. I knew today was going to be a big step for you, there's no way I'm leaving you to face it alone." He took my keys from my hand and opened the door whilst I stared, awestruck, at the man who I was so lucky to call mine, "I'm driving."
We took a seat in the large studio building where the auditions were being held, waiting for my name to be called. The wait itself would have been agonising had it not been for Ross, who sat at my side, holding my hand and whispering words of encouragement each time that the woman rose to her feet, poised over her clipboard to read the next name on the list.
When it finally reached my turn, I felt like someone had chucked an entire bucket of ice water down my back, almost leaping to my feet, forgetting everything instantly, including the manner in which to behave at such an event.
"Calm down," He said slowly. "You know everything that you need to know, and I know that you can absolutely nail this. Just don't let them hold any fear for you. They're only people, just normal people and they only want the best person for the part. So go in there and convince them that that person is you."
"Miss McCall?" The woman repeated curtly, watching me curiously.
"Yes, sorry," I replied.
She began to lead the way to the audition room, and I quickly whispered a thank you to Ross, then followed after her.
Entering the room, I kept my head held high, and when the casting panel came into view, I was pleasantly surprised by the presence of a familiar face, Harrison De'monte, the Casting Director who I'd met previously at the first promising audition I'd had since moving here.
"Miss McCall," He said warmly as soon as I met his gaze, "I wondered if I'd see you again."
"It's a pleasure to be auditioning for you again, Mr De'monte," I gestured to the other two men as well, "For all of you."
They dipped their heads in acknowledgement, one consulting a piece of paper which I recognised as my resume, whilst the other jotted down some notes.
"I must say, I was surprised when I saw this resume," He went on, picking up his own copy, "You did a good audition for me before, I rather expected there to be more work listed here by now."
My stomach twisted into knots at being called out on the lack of experience, but I remembered Ross's words:
"Don't let them hold any fear for you."
Mustering up the courage, I looked right into his eyes and confessed:
"I fell down, Sir. I was naive when I moved here, I foresaw it being much easier to break my way into this industry." They all stared intently at me now, each scrutinising gaze never wavering as they listened intently to what I had to say. "The truth is, I became disheartened and it affected my performance. What I gave was not my best, but I've learned a lot these last months, and after some personal and professional journeys, I believe that I can give a much more polished performance, and bring a stronger version of myself forward as a potential candidate."
I awaited their verdict on my open honesty, and after a momentary silence of consideration, Mr De'monte's mouth twitched into an encouraging smile.
"Very well," He said, "Then let's see what you have this time. We'll take it from the top of the masquerade scene."
"Of course."
"Whenever you're ready, Miss McCall... best of luck."
The next couple of days were nerve-wracking as I awaited their decision, not particularly expecting much, but finally feeling content with the performance that I gave.
"I'm sure you did great," Ross said confidently one evening as we lay together on the couch, his fingers softly combing through my hair as I laid my head on his chest, the movie credits rolling on the television.
"Thanks to you," I replied, tilting my head up.
The sound of my phone interrupted us, making me jump, just as it had every time that it had sounded since I'd left that audition room. Seeing my apprehension, Ross plucked it from the table, checking it for me, then holding it out to me.
"Is it?" I asked.
He nodded once.
"Read it."
I hesitated, but Ross refused to give up, shaking it at me with a determined glare.
"Okay, okay," I groaned, taking it and biting my lip.
He held me close, holding his breath and softly rubbing circles on my back, peering over my shoulder as I finally opened the message and read it aloud:
"Dear Miss McCall, we first wish to extend our gratitude for your presence at auditions. The panel as a whole were impressed by your performance, and because of that, I am personally inviting you to attend call-backs this Thursday at noon. Sincerely, Mr H De'monte."
"Congratulations!" Ross said triumphantly, hugging me tightly.
I couldn't tear my eyes from the screen as I let out a startled laugh.
"I- I can't believe it," I muttered.
"Why? You worked so hard for this, you deserve it!"
"But, just, I thought I'd be blown off again."
Pushing me upright, he turned me to face him, taking my phone from my hand and lifting my chin.
"I know that this has been a rocky road and that you've had your confidence bashed along the way when it comes to your acting. But take the win. I know it's not an outright offer, but it has the potential to be one. Feel good about yourself, Lena."
"You're right," I sighed.
"Good, because I feel fantastic about it," He swooned.
I laughed as he smiled cheekily and I instantly caught the double meaning to his phrase.
"Oh really?"
"Well, I think I'm gonna go have an early night, tired and all," I taunted, getting up and heading around the back of the sofa.
His eyes widened and I could hardly hide my amusement.
"Oh, just for that you're in trouble."
He was on his feet in a flash. I squealed as he lunged for me, fleeing for our room, him hot on my heels. No sooner than I'd made it to the bedroom, he caught me, lifting me clean off the ground and throwing me down onto the bed where I wrestled with him in a fit of laughter, before stilling as his lips claimed mine and I melted into his perfect embrace.
One Year Later
The car slowed to a stop at the curb and I could see the shadows of people moving past the tinted windows.
"Are you ready?" Ross smiled.
"As long as I have you by my side, I'm ready for anything," I nodded, "But just one little thing," I added, pulling a handkerchief from my clutch and leaning forward, rubbing at a black mark on his neck, "There, all done."
"Hazard of the job," He laughed, straightening the collar of his shirt, "Will I do?"
I cupped his cheek and pressed a quick kiss to his lips as the car moved a little further along.
"You're perfect, and even if this tux was covered in soot, I wouldn't have you any other way."
"You couldn't have told me this earlier? My uniform's much more comfortable than this tux," He joked.
"No time to change now," I laughed.
There was movement outside my door, and with a small exhale, I looked up and braced myself for what was to come, squeezing Ross's hand behind me. The door opened and the excited calls of the gathered crowd grew louder, along with the blinding flashes of paparazzi taking photos as I stepped from the limo and onto the red carpet, Ross exiting behind me.
It had been a whirlwind of a year, and I'd loved every single moment of it. I'd never have thought a year ago that the call-back I hesitantly attended would have landed me, not the part I'd auditioned for, but a much larger supporting role in the planned movie.
I looked up at the movie posters lining the exterior walls of the building where our premiere was being held, still astounded by the presence of my own face up there along with two huge names in Hollywood. There were excited cheers along either side of the carpet and for a second I felt like I was dreaming, it was just what I'd always wanted... only better. I drifted side to side like was expected, taking photos and signing posters, feeling a little out of place. Ross moved with me, beaming with pride and taking my hand whenever there was no pen being held within it, and when we reached the doors to the building and stepped into the quieter interior, he kissed my cheek, whispering:
"I couldn't be prouder of you."
The night passed in a magnificent blur. I went from room to room, interview to interview enjoying every second of the experience, and when I finally walked through the doors to the exquisite after-party, I was well and truly on cloud nine. It was then though, that my evening truly took off, because right there, before all of the cast, crew, and surprisingly, my family, friends and what looked like Ross's entire station, that Ross took my hand and dropped to one knee.
"The road to get here tonight wasn't easy at first," He began as elated tears swam in my eyes and an audible 'Aww!' rumbled around the room, "But that was because we were travelling it separately. Something I never want to do again. Looking back on our time here, I can only be sure of one thing, and that's that my life has never shone brighter than when you were in it, and that this last year and a half has been the best of my entire life. This city is our home, it's where we belong, and it's where our dreams have come true... almost anyway," He pulled a small black box from the inside of his jacket and opened it, showing me the stunning princess cut engagement ring inside, "So, my darling Lena, will you make one last dream come true for me... will you be my wife?"
A happy, slightly tearful, laugh expelled from me and I nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes! A million times, yes," I exclaimed.
There was a deafening cheer, Ross slid the ring from the box and onto my finger where it glittered hypnotically in the beam of the many surrounding lights.
"Come here," I whispered, tugging him closer.
He smiled so brightly and then his lips were on mine whilst we were showered with various claps on our backs from congratulatory friends and family.
He'd been right about our dreams coming true here. But the best dream that I'd had realised, was this... knowing that I would get to marry the man I would forever love.

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