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I felt like someone had dropped a bucket of ice water down my back. Every muscle in my body tensed as I looked into those cold, soulless eyes of his.
"What is it?" Ross asked, snapping my attention back to him.
"Nothing, erm, just a customer from the bar," I lied.
"Oh?" He furrowed his brow, looking between me and Dalton with concern, "Then why do you look so afraid?"
I helped myself to a glass of water, shaking it off and pasting a neutral expression on my face instead.
"Afraid? No, I'm not afraid. Just... was a shock, that's all."
He lowered his voice, leaning toward me.
"Lena, tell me the truth. What's wrong?"
I took his hand in mine and gave it a squeeze, feeling a wash of terrible guilt as I met his gaze and lied once more:
"There's nothing wrong. He's just a customer. A bit of a flirt and a total jerk, I didn't expect to see him outside of work."
He contemplated what I'd said for a few minutes before finally accepting it and straightening back up.
"We don't have to stay if you don't want to. We can leave and find somewhere else."
"What? No. No way," I insisted.
I could tell the amount of effort that Ross had put into making tonight perfect. And without Dalton's presence, it would have been. There was no way though, that I was about to let him fuck up my evening with my boyfriend. He wasn't worth my time, my attention, or my concern.
Even as I thought that though, there was a steady creeping sensation along my body, worry that at any second my entire secret life at the club could be exposed.
"Let's get some drinks," I sighed with a broad, fake smile.
Ross nodded, his mouth twitching with a small smile of his own, one that I was sure was just as fake as mine at the time. Still, hoping to turn this date around, I upped my energy and began discussing the food options.
Throughout our meal, I sat tensely on the edge of my chair, attempting to appear indifferent and at ease whilst I chatted with Ross, all the while I kept getting the feeling that I was being watched. I tried to refrain from letting it bother me, but every so often, I still found myself glancing towards Dalton's table, where he sat with two handsome and smartly dressed men. Each time I glanced over, I was met by his grim smirk and occasional intrigued looks from the others. Still, I was at least grateful that none of them had approached.
As the evening wore on, the patio began to clear, diners finishing up and scurrying off to continue their plans elsewhere. By the time that Ross left to grab the bill, there were only two tables left.
I was busy straightening the skirt of my dress ready to leave when I heard footsteps behind me. I snapped to attention so fast that I cricked my neck.
I rubbed it firmly as a waitress came to a stop beside me, clutching a folded piece of paper.
"Sorry to interrupt, Miss, but I have a message from a gentleman on table thirty-two," She explained, gesturing toward Dalton's table, where all three men were now watching, Dalton tipping his head in acknowledgement, whilst the other two wore similar, somewhat polite smiles.
She handed me the note and left. I checked to see if Ross was coming before quickly unfolding it, reading the small scrawl across the page.
Lovely to see you again, Selena, you look incredible. I'd be very grateful if you slipped away from your company, and joined me and my friends for a drink.
My blood boiled at the sheer fucking nerve of the man. How could he be so utterly clueless to my complete loathing for him? Screwing the note up, I thrust it under my napkin just as Ross reappeared at my side.
"Ready to go?"
"Yeah, let's head home."
Once on my feet, I took his hand in mine, and together, we left the restaurant, still feeling eyes on my back whilst I internally cheered to be leaving.
The following evening, I got to work early and made my way straight to Charlie's office, barely passing the doorway before I let out the frustrated yell that I'd been holding in since arriving at the restaurant.
"Good evening, Selena, do come in," Charlie said sarcastically, leaning back in his chair and spinning it around to face me.
"I want to kill your brother!" I snapped, slamming the door behind me and falling down into the chair opposite his.
"Go ahead, and please, make it painful."
As angry as I was, his response made me chuckle, and when I looked up, I found it impossible not to return his playful smile.
"What did the son of a bitch do this time?" He asked, sighing and throwing down his pen.
With a groan, I slumped lower on the chair and filled him in on what happened the night before. By the time that I was finished, he'd tensed so much that I was afraid the slightest move might snap him like a twig.
"That bastard has no fucking morals," He raged, slamming his fist down and jumping to his feet.
"He's supposed to be leaving me alone. By extension I presumed our deal extended beyond the walls of this place," I said curtly.
"Oh, it does. But this is classic Dalton. He never knows when to back off."
"Then how do I make him?" I whined, "I was with Ross last night, Charlie. I can't afford for your brother to start playing games with me."
He rubbed a hand over his face in frustration.
"I know," He muttered, "I'm sorry. He's doing this because of me."
"It's not your fault," I assured him, jumping to my feet, "He's a smarmy bastard who likes to fuck with people's heads," I snapped, "That's on him, not you."
Charlie arched a brow in amusement, then wandered to his liquor cabinet, raising a glass in question.
"Please," I nodded.
Plucking a bottle of whiskey from the shelf, he poured a couple of glasses and handed one over to me. I downed it in one and was just turning to leave when Charlie caught me by the hand.
"I'll take care of this, Selena," He said sincerely. "I don't know how, yet, but I will."

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