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Though I'd never given a private dance before, I was familiar with the protocol. It was a must, to alert security to the request, at which point two bouncers would be sent with the dancer and their company to the area upstairs where these dances took place. All private rooms were manned by security whenever in use, to ensure the dancer's protection at all times, and there was also CCTV in each room which was monitored in the security room as an extra precaution.
Having slipped away to alert security, I left a message for Stacey to cover my tables for me and went with two of the club bouncers, Drake and Nathan, upstairs to the room. I was used to being nervous, but these were a whole different type of nerves. These were unpleasant, sickening nerves. I wasn't just about to perform a script, I was about to take my clothes off and promiscuously dance for a stranger.
It's a role to play. I repeated again in my head.
I thought about Crystal, Asa and the others. They did this every night, and they were always so confident. They owned what they were doing, and I needed to be just like them right now.
The private room we entered was an intimate space, without being too cramped. It was sparse yet cosy, with a small, black sofa standing against a wall and a table off to the side. Dalton wasted no time in drawing the curtains behind us and making his way to the sofa, where he sat down and stared pointedly at me. I turned away to handle the music, using the moment of privacy to blow out an anxious breath and compose myself for what I was about to do, and as soon as the sound filled the room, I shook my hair back over my shoulders and began to slowly move in time with the beat, swaying my hips promiscuously.
"Very nice," Dalton leered from behind me, "Now, bring that fine ass over here, and let me see your face."
Just breathe.
I followed his instruction, turning around and approaching him, refusing to show the unease I was feeling as I stared at him without seeing. I mentally pictured the crowd downstairs, the faceless men and women who posed no threat to me, instead of the slippery man who was very much an intimidating companion right now. I danced slowly and simply, neither confident nor willing enough to do anything too fancy.
"Still not close enough to make this dance count, Selena," He growled.
I knew what he meant, but the idea of sitting on his lap made my skin crawl, and my palm twitch with the nagging urge to slap him.
At least I can face away from him whilst I grind against his lap. I thought.
But as though he could read my mind, he shook his head.
"I want to see all of you when you finally take that top off. It was the deal, remember. The full show."
With a brief hesitation, I stepped right up to him, then knelt on either side of his lap. His hands landed on my hips and he let out a satisfied moan at finally having me within reach. But before I could do anything else, a loud shout came from outside the room, and Charlie burst in.
"What the fuck is going on here?" He roared.
I leapt off of Dalton instantly, almost falling backwards in shock.
"Terrible timing as always, brother," Dalton mocked lazily.
"I told you she was off-limits," Charlie shouted, towering over his brother in his fury.
I could see first-hand the terrifying side of him that he saved for when people crossed him, and it took my breath away.
"Chill out," Dalton drawled, "The little lady and I made a deal."
Charlie rounded on me, his eyes flashing dangerously.
"You made a deal with him?"
I nodded awkwardly.
"One dance and he'll leave me alone, for good," I said breathlessly.
"Looks like you've had that, now get out," Charlie snapped, rounding on his brother again.
Dalton laughed, leaning back in the chair and stretching an arm across the back.
"Hardly. You just ruined the best part." He narrowed his eyes on Charlie, clearly loving the power he had over his brother and the situation, "Now, I suggest you let us get back to it, or I'll be sure to spread the word about what a dodgy establishment you have here, Charles."
"Fine," Charlie replied through gritted teeth, sparing a glance at me, before stepping back.
"Oh no," Dalton called out, "You misunderstand," He waited for Charlie to turn his confused expression upon him, then smirked evilly, "You're staying to watch this."
I could have sworn my heart stopped at that announcement, and as I looked to Charlie, I could see his shock clearly defined across his face.
"You aren't serious," He snapped.
"Oh, deadly," Dalton assured him, turning to me, "And for a full song please, Selena. It was spoilt last time."
He pulled a childish, pouty face at his brother, then nodded to me.
I couldn't believe I now had to go through the entire thing again. I was almost free before, and now I had to start from scratch, this time with Charlie here too.
"I think we'll start with you over here," He added, "My brother will kindly get the music."
He held out his hand, which I begrudgingly took, as I got back on his lap. As soon as the music kicked in, I danced for him again, my body rocking and grinding against him. He lifted his finger and traced it over my breast, tugging at the fabric of my top, which I hadn't yet removed. I shrugged away from him, and reached for it, counting down the seconds until it was over. Having pulled my top off, he then tipped his head expectantly.
"That's enough-" Charlie snapped behind me.
"Ah, ah, ah," Dalton warned.
Once this is done... it's over, he'll leave me alone.
With that charming thought, I reached behind my back, and undid my bra, pulling the lemon lace away from my chest, and allowing him a full view.
The music began to peak and I knew there must only have been another minute to go before I'd be able to dress and leave. Dalton leant in, his suit brushing against my nipples as he ran a hand over my back, pressing his lips to my ear to whisper to me.
"Turn around, my brother's missing the fun," He instructed me.
I knew the game he was playing, and I knew that refusing would land me in the same place as before, another interrupted dance... another reason to prolong my discomfort. Getting back to my feet, I turned around and then sat back on his lap, this time facing out into the room. Charlie shifted uncomfortably as he was made to watch me pressing my half-naked body against his brother. I felt my cheeks redden as I looked into my boss's eyes, seeing the warring emotions within their warm, ocean blue depths. Dalton clearly enjoyed the awkwardness, and I felt his hands brushing over my ribs, making their way up my body. I knew exactly where they were headed, and at that point, I'd had enough. Just before they could reach their target, I slapped them away. Before he could react in any way, the music died off, and I sprung from his lap as if I'd just been tasered.
Putting as much distance between myself and Dalton as I could, I shielded my bare chest, jumping in surprise as I felt something warm against my skin, and then Charlie's arms around me as he wrapped me in his jacket.
"Drake?" He called coldly, summoning the security's attention. "See him off the premises."
"Sir," Drake agreed.
"And don't ever come back here," Charlie said firmly to his brother, "That dance was your last here, never come near Selena or any of my staff ever again."
His brother grunted, a smug smile pasted across his face as he approached us.
"Was worth every second," He said coldly, before disappearing through the curtain.

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