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I couldn't grasp the fact that he was here. He was actually here! After months apart, he was right in front of me, wearing the brightest smile that I'd ever seen on his handsome face. His light brown hair was shorter than the last time I saw him, but it suited him. The hall light made his golden eyes sparkle as he beamed at me and my mouth dropped open as shock, guilt and happiness all warred within me.
"Surprise!" He said happily.
"How are you here right now?" I gasped, my eyes stinging as tears threatened to fall from my emotional overflow.
"That's a story for later," He whispered, shaking his head a little and coming closer, his arms rising before capturing me in a huge hug.
Being wrapped in his strong arms was like coming home. I inhaled the familiar scent of his cologne as he held me tight until I finally relaxed against him, my own arms rising to grip him tightly whilst I nestled against his shoulder, allowing myself to melt into his safe and comforting embrace.
"I'm here," He said softly as my tears flowed, falling against his t-shirt. He let out a sigh, running his hand up and down my back, whispering against my ear, "I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you too," I said softly, holding him even tighter, scared that if I let go, he'd disappear.
"I can tell," He chuckled softly, pulling back and cupping my cheek, wiping away a stray tear with his thumb, "What's wrong?"
I didn't even know what to say. What was wrong? Where the hell to start? I'd waited for months for him to get here, missed him every hour of the day and night, and struggled to come to terms with the fact that I had no idea when he'd finally arrive. I'd longed for his touch every day, and today... the one day that it had all gotten too much, and I'd acted out in such an unforgivable way... he finally came home. I was so happy to see him, but so devastated that it wasn't before I made the biggest mistake of my life. Of course, I couldn't tell him all that. He was here, he was by my side, I couldn't be without him again, I couldn't lose him. I couldn't break his heart.
Managing a watery smile, I shook my head.
"Nothing's wrong," I lied, "I'm just so happy you're here."
With a smirk, he pulled me closer, capturing my lips in a tender, passionate kiss. My arms locked around his neck and he lifted me from the floor, carrying me further inside as his tongue brushed my own. The memory of my forbidden liaison with Charlie stampeded through my head igniting my fight or flight response, but I fought back, forcing myself not to flee and ruin this moment or make Ross suspicious. Instead, I kissed him back harder, allowing the familiar chemistry to flow through me, erasing every trace of Charlie from my mind and body. With my enthusiastic response, it wasn't long before we were blundering through the apartment, making a beeline for the bedroom, where we reunited in a frenzy of passion and lust, way into the night.
I woke the following morning, to the soft buzzing sound of my phone. Blinking in the early morning light, I was about to check the screen when I registered the soft weight of an arm draped over my hip. I turned over, smiling to myself as my tired eyes landed on Ross, still fast asleep, beside me. Enjoying the little bubble of safety that I now had with him by my side, I ignored my phone and the responsibilities that I had in the outside world, and snuggled back up, relishing in the comforting warmth of his body being so close to mine, whilst I traced the delicate stubble across his jaw.
"Morning," He whispered, a sleepy smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he slowly opened his eyes, his hand curling around my hip and drawing me closer.
He was unbelievably adorable first thing in the morning with his hair all messed up from sleep, and his eyes struggling to remain open for more than a couple of seconds at a time.
"Morning," I replied happily.
"It's so good to wake up next to you again," He said sweetly, tracing the line of my hip with his thumb. "I hated waking up alone all those days without you."
"Me too," I admitted, "I just wish I'd known you were coming," I added, glancing around at the messy state of the room.
He laughed, following my gaze and shuffling slightly as he eyed the pile of clothes draped over the arm of a nearby chair.
"Clearing up was never your forte," He teased, "Besides, I wanted it to be a surprise."
"It was definitely that," I retorted without thinking, "A good one!" I added quickly as his eyes narrowed curiously.
He planted a brief kiss on my forehead and got up, leaving me to whine unhappily as I was left alone in the bed reaching for him, just about managing to loop my fingers into the waistband of his boxers.
"Behave," He laughed, stumbling backwards a step as I tried to pull him back into bed.
"Make me," I teased.
I regretted it instantly as his eyes flashed wickedly and an evil smile spread across his face at the challenge.
"I take it back," I said quickly, releasing him and leaning as far back as I could.
"Oh no, no, no... there's no backsies here, Missy," He taunted.
In a flash he was back on the bed, reaching for me as I flailed around, trying in vain to fend him off before becoming pinned beneath him whilst he tickled me ferociously, making me scream with laughter and beg for mercy.
"You should know that you can never beat me," He announced triumphantly, pinning my arms above my head, and hovering just out of reach.
"You think?" I panted, "Don't count on it."
His brows darted up at my persistence and he glanced across the room to the bathroom.
"Race to the shower?" He asked with a gloating smile.
"I dunno, I don't think I'm ready to leave the bed yet," I replied suggestively, looking to his lips and biting my own.
I waited for him to loosen his grip on my wrists, taking the bait as he leant in, moving to kiss me. At the last second, I tipped my head to the side.
"You're on," I said quickly, throwing him off of me and racing across the room.
"Oh, hell no!" He shouted, bounding after me, his arms closing around my waist just as I reached the door.
He tried to wrestle me away from the bathroom, but I clutched the doorframe, laughing at his continued effort and impressive strength.
"I won already Mr Abbott, don't be a sore loser," I taunted him, refusing to budge.
"I believe the bet was to the shower," He argued back, "You're not there yet."
I tried to tug myself further into the bathroom, but lost my grip altogether, crashing into his chest, before spreading my arms in an attempt to block him from passing me.
"Dirty tricks!" He roared petulantly.
"Nope, it's called creative resistance," I panted, still wrestling for the right of way.
With a bark of laughter, he stopped fighting me and bent low, sweeping me up into a fireman's carry and slapping me on the ass.
"And this is creative victory," He said triumphantly, walking into the room with me over his shoulder.
"I'm calling it a draw," I announced as he put me back on the ground and turned on the shower.
"I have the most stubborn girlfriend in the world," He sighed.
"And you love me for it."
"And I love you for it," He agreed.
"Good, you can show me just how much," I added, stripping off my clothes and stepping under the water.
Ross was about to follow suit when there was a knock at the front door, halting him in his tracks.
"Ugh," He groaned, "You go ahead, I'll see who it is."
Watching him leave, it was impossible not to feel happy at how we'd fallen back into our old ways so easily. It was just like rewinding time, being back home, having spent no time apart. I finally felt complete here, and it was all thanks to having Ross back by my side. I closed my eyes as the water cascaded over my body and I replayed last night through my head on a loop. When Ross still hadn't returned after several minutes, I finished up quickly and threw on a robe, heading back through the bedroom in search of where he'd got to.
"Ross? Where are you?" I called from the bedroom
"In the kitchen," He called back, "Someone stopped by for you."
I padded through the living room, tying the robe as I walked.
"Oh, yeah?" I muttered, reaching the kitchen doorway, "Who is i-"
I stopped in my tracks as I saw Charlie sitting at the kitchen table with Ross, the pair of them drinking coffee together like old mates.

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