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I laughed as I tugged the bag away once more, dodging Ross's attempts to grab it, feeling his strong chest pressing against my back as he curved a hand around my waist holding me close and kissing my neck playfully whilst making snatching motions at the edge of the bag I'd brought with me.
"No!" I giggled, not giving up, even as his fingers closed on the bag handle and swept it from my grasp with a triumphant cheer.
"Aha! Thank you," He declared smugly, releasing me and springing back a step or two, a couple of his colleagues nearby dissolving into laughter behind their cards.
"You know you'll just spoil the surprise if you open it now," I teased, crossing my arms across my chest, and fixing him with a stern glare that faltered as I struggled not to laugh at the adorable glee plastered on his handsome face.
He pouted, coming closer and holding the bag at his side, looking like he was relenting. However, the moment that I moved to take it back, he swung it behind his back and beamed mockingly at me.
"I don't care. You know my thoughts on surprises," He replied.
I rolled my eyes, relenting with a shrug and gesturing for him to look inside the bag.
I watched as his eyes widened at the variety of sexy lingerie that lay inside. His mouth opening slightly in awe.
"Wow," He breathed.
"Whatcha got there, bro?" Ross's closest mate at the firehouse, Tucker, called as he came out of the nearby office, nodding to me in greeting as he passed.
"Hey, Tuck," I smiled in reply.
He stopped at Ross's side and peered over his shoulder, his eyes widening as he flicked his gaze between me and the bag, patting Ross on the shoulder and shaking his head a little, muttering under his breath:
"Lucky son of a bitch."
"You can say that again," Ross breathed, finally tearing his gaze from the depths of the bag and closing in on me. "I take back what I said about surprises," He said eagerly, returning the bag whilst I nodded slowly with a laugh. "I'm fully behind whatever surprise you have for me involving the contents of that bag," He said, kissing me gently on the lips. "Especially the blue one."
"That your new favourite?" I asked happily.
"Mhm," He murmured, nodding between brief kisses. "Very much so."
"I'm sure I can find some time to model it in person."
He groaned, his head falling against mine.
"I wish I wasn't at work right now," He said in a pained tone. "I am going to be mentally picturing you in that for the rest of my shift."
"Aww, poor baby," I mocked, "I'd offer to send you a picture later, but you do need to concentrate, probably unwise to show you what's waiting back home."
"Fuck, you're bringing me to my knees here, baby."
Rising to my tip-toes, I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Looks like you're still standing to me."
It was his turn to roll his eyes this time, and with a jolt he swept me off my feet, making me squeal as he spun me around and deposited me back on the floor.
"Always so difficult," He laughed.
"You love it," I shrugged.
"I do," He lowered his voice, gesturing to the bag, "Those new jobs you've been getting, they must be paying pretty well to afford that lot."
I swallowed the familiar lump that rose in my throat at the mention of my non-existent jobs that I'd been telling him I'd landed to cover for my increase in shifts the last few weeks. I hated lying to him, but at the same time, since focusing on my work at the club, things had been great for me, for us. Our shifts synced up well, and when I was home, I was with him, no longer cramming lines rehearsals, or dashing off to auditions every few minutes. I was just with him, and enjoying his company, and it had been bliss. We'd argued less, had far less stress at home and were having much more sex too. I finally felt like we were back on track, and I couldn't have been happier about that. If telling him a couple of white lies would keep things going in that direction, then I would do it for as long as I needed, without hesitation. Because I just couldn't face feeling defeated anymore. I needed to feel happy, to feel like I was achieving something. And this was the closest that I'd gotten to that since arriving here. I was prepared to do whatever it took to keep things going up.
"They are, and I've got more lined up, so I thought I'd treat myself."
He squeezed my shoulders with a dazzling smile.
"I'm so proud of you. I knew you could do this," He said cheerily.
I was saved the need to respond by the arrival of a couple more workmates who'd come down to say hello, bringing the group around closer and giving me a chance to turn the conversation to lighter tones.
"What did you buy?" JJ asked eagerly, pointing to the bag as she tied her hair up.
"Want to see?" I asked, holding the bag open.
She didn't miss a beat, looking inside and gasping at the variety of delicate lace combos inside.
"The lemon one! It's stunning!"
"I know, I couldn't resist," I chuckled as she plucked the summery coloured bra from the bag and admired it, not even caring about the men that surrounded us on every side.
"Whoa! JJ," Ross cried out, "You know you're only helping these guys create the perfect imagery of Lena in that, right?"
We laughed as he hurriedly snatched it from her hands and shoved it back in the bag whilst the guys began to nod and comment in teasing tones behind him.
"Lighten up, dude," JJ said cheerily, "I'm sure we can find a way to solve that."
Struck by an idea, I tugged the bra back out, and adopting a serious expression, I agreed.
"Yep, I know just the thing," I explained.
Pouncing on Ross, I gripped the hem of his shirt and began to lift it, attempting to hold it up against his broad chest whilst the room echoed with laughter, Ross's among them.
"They'll struggle to picture me in it if they can remember seeing you in it."
With ease, he managed to avoid me doing it up, twisting free, then trapping me in his own grasp, his eyes smouldering as he gazed down on me with complete adoration. It was a look I'd seen before, and just like then, it made my heart skip in my chest, blowing me away completely with how much love I saw there.
The loud cry of the siren rang out, making me jump as I was snapped from our moment.
"Sorry, baby, gotta run," Ross said quickly as everyone began leaping into the trucks whilst the shout was read out through the station.
He paused momentarily, pressing his lips to mine in a quick but passionate kiss, and then turned away, dashing for the truck.
"I love you."
"I love you too," I smiled weakly, watching the door close and the trucks speeding off.
Be safe.

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