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I let out a shaky breath as Margaret gripped my shoulder, her nails digging into my skin. I felt her cold breath hit the inside of my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Do it now. We don't have all day." She whispered harshly.

I felt her push me out from the tree we were hiding behind. Our job right now was to get the Guilds secret information. Which was hidden deep in the woods quietly in the basement of a tiny cabin. My part to this horrendous job was to kill 50 guards from an opposing organization surrounding the cabin.

My bottom lip quivered as I inhaled some of the fresh air around me. I clenched my fists and swallowed the dry lump in my throat. The deaths that I caused haunted me every single day and night.

Cheers to another awful dream tonight.

My hand twitched as I began to active it with verse he taught me long ago.

You are me and I, you.
From the pits of hell, I command you.
Forgive me father for I have sinned, again.

I heard the demonic spirits begin to whisper as I awoke them with the beginning of the verse. I began shaking in fear as men turned around and start yelling and shooting at me.

Those nightmares began laughing as my body temperature dropped immediately. All my veins turned black, signalling the start of my possession. Many dark silhouettes grew around me. All the bullets that were fired never reached me as they were blocked off. In seconds, many men fell to ground, coughing up blood as the demons, including myself, swiftly stabbed each of them, directly in their hearts.

I couldn't do anything anymore. I wasn't in control of my body. They were. I was now a mere doll.

I felt my heart beat in sync, with the stabbing. The faster it was beating, the faster people were dying. My feelings were drowned by it's excitement. I began laughing maniacally, my laughing deep, layered with different pitches. I felt the force it put into the knife in a mans chests. Piercing through his skin and right through the center of his hearts, blood splashing onto my cloak as I killed many more. The stench of metallic blood reeked in the air.

I stood in the center of dead bodies piled on the floor around me once everyone was dead. I felt the demons cold, sharp, makeshift blade stab through my heart- ending possession. My eyes widened in terror and pain while I looked at all of the lifeless bodies with pools of blood surrounding them.

The presence of one behind me became apparent when I head it letting out deep sadistic laughter. Demons rushed towards me with grins on their featureless faces. I wanted to run as they got closer to me. Pain pierced in my ears as the different pitches of laughing became unbearably loud, adding to the pain in my chest. I covered my ears in hopes that the laughing would stop. Blood slowly trickled out of my ears and warm drops slid down, falling off my jawline.

As soon as they touched me, they all disappeared. I felt my heart begin to heal itself. I took a step forward, trying to move, but I ended up falling on my hands and knees. Facing the grass, the stars in the night sky glistened on pools of blood on the ground. I raised my hand from the ground and turned it. The palm of my hand was completely covered in a a thick layer of blood. My eyes watched as the maroon liquid oozed in small droplets down the sides of my hand.

My breathing increased rapidly before I let out a scream of agony. I slapped my hand back down on the ground, causing specks of blood to splash onto my face and the back of my hands. My vision became blurry as tears filled my eyes. The amount of tears falling onto the ground and mixing with the cold blood increased within seconds.

I felt a hand press against my shoulder as my mental break down slowly subsided. Loud, shaky breaths escaped my lips as I forced myself up. I spit out the remaining blood as my heart finished healing itself. I turned around to see Hawthorne and looked up at him. Hawthorne looked down at me with pity as he looked at the speckles of blood spread across my face.

Before he could say anything to me, he was stabbed in the back in the blink of an eye. Something black with a red glow around it bursts out of his chest, the mysterious object quickly retracted and Hawthorne's blood splattered everywhere on me. I stepped back as I took a sharp breath. Hawthorne fell to his knees and put his right hand to his wound, as the blood quickly began turning the piece of clothing it was already soaking into a darker shade.

I looked up to see that Margaret was on the floor as well, signaling that she was also stabbed. My eyes widened and I looked around me, trying to see who had done this. I thought about using this chance to runaway from the Guild. It was awful working for them, I was forced against my will to join and it has been hell ever since.

My thoughts were interrupted as I felt a tight force around my neck, lifting me up a few feet into the air and blocking my airway. I gripped at what felt like a piece of very cold and hard fabric. I tried my hardest to pry it off. It was useless though, as the fabric tightened even more around my neck. It was the same thing that had stabbed through my superiors.

My eyes shot down to see a man dressed in a long black coat, who was the one choking me. As I struggled to breathe, I saw a woman with blonde hair walk up behind him. She said something to him that made him let go of me and fall to floor.

A wave of pain struck from my bottom as I landed on the ground. I took a few moments regaining my breath. The two strangers stood a few feet away from me. Once I stood up, the woman moved into a defensive position.

I had no intentions of harming these people even though they seemed to have the opposite intentions.

"Senpai, we are to take her back to headquarters for interrogation." The blonde woman whispers to the intimidating man standing next to her.

He glares at me and uses his demonic looking ability to pull me towards them. Before I could try and move away, the male kicks me hard in the head, quickly knocking me out.


100% would pay for Aku to stab me with rashomon and leave me to die.

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