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Jessica Flores

School was officially over, I walk out of my class and in front of the school and wait for daniel.

" boo" someone whispers in my ear and i jump turning 

"dani..mickey"i say backing away

" hey " he says and i shake my head

" mickey we shouldn't be talking" i say and look around and see daniel some our way

" i know but i just wanted to see how." he starts but i walk away and into daniel's arms

" hey babe" he says and pecks my lips

" hi" i say 

" ready" he asks and i nod and turn my head to see mickey gone from his place



Daniel pulls up to my house and i get out.

" i'll come by later" he says and i nod agreeing

" okay " i say and walk up the walkway and he drives away and i walk inside the house

" mom i'm home" i say as i closethe door 

" hey baby sister"  i hear and turn to see my older brother dylan and i smile widely

"dylan" i screech and run into his arms

" hey" he says hugging me tightly

I hear the door open and we tur and see daniel come in.

" jess you left.. oh " daniel says and see my brother

" daniel this is my brother dylan, dylan this is y boyfriend daniel" i say smiling and i can see the look on daniel's face softens and walk up to me.

" nice to meet you man" dylan says and does the bro shake that every guy knows

" you too" daniel smiles

"he treating you right jess" dylan asks me

" yes like a queen" i tell him and he nods

" well i'm going into my room but it was nice meeting you daniel" dylan says and walks up stairs

" you left you phone in the car" daniel says handing me my phone

" thank you babe " i say and peck his lips


Daniel  😉

Wanna know something?

Jess 😜


Daniel 😉

your the best thing that has ever happend to me 

Jess 😜


you're the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life

Daniel  😉

i'm coming over 

Read at 4:25 PM

Happiness spreads on my face and i lock my phone and i hear a knock on my door.

I quickly sit up 

" come in"  say and the opens revealing dylan and he comes in and plops on my bed

" what's up little sister" he says and i laugh

" i'm only 3 years younger" i chuckle 

" little" he says once again and i roll my eyes

"daniel coming over later" he asks and i nod and he smiles

" he seems like a good guy" and i nod

" he is" i says and he nods

" well mom is on a business trip and i'm going to hang out with taylor so it'll just be you and daniel tonight" he says and i nod 

" so how are you and taylor " i ask and he smiles

" we're good 4 years strong and i'm planning on purposing on Saturday" he says and i squeal

"taylor is going to be my sister" i say happily and he nods with a chuckle 

"okay well i better go and don't do anything dumb" he says leaving my room and i nod

I hear voices down stairs but i ignore them when i see daniel come in my room.



" hey babe" i say and he jumps on me and groan 

" hi" he says happily

I laugh and he kisses me and i kiss back and it gets a little heated

I tug at his hair and he groans and pulls back taking off my shirt and comes back to my lips.

" IM BACK BITCH" the door swings open and daniel and i jump and i see my best friend rebecca looking at us shocked .


WC: 631

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