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Jessica Flores 

I cringe as i enter the party with rebecca. I spot daniel talking to the boys and i smile as i walk to him.

" oh hey babe" he says wrapping his arm around me  and hands me his drink

" it's root beer don't worry' he says and i nod taking a sip

 "i'll be right back" jack says and we nod

" i'm going to get a drink"  he says and i nod as he walks away

I feel someone bump into and i stumble forward

" oh shit sorry" i turn and see jonah laughing and bouncing off people so i quickly run to his side

"come on jonah" i say and wrap my arm around his waist and carefully walk him upstairs. I move to the side as a girl goes down.

" party people ya ready" she says snapchatting 

" you're such an amazing friend" he laughs and i smile

" okay come on" i say as i enter an empty room and lay him on the bed.

" thank you jess" he says and i laugh

" you're very welcome jonah" i say 

' please don't leave me " he pouts and i couldn't help but laugh

" okay i won't" i say and sit down next to him

" you're really pretty" he says looking up at me and i smile

" thank you jonah" i say and i watch as he admires me

I feel him get closer but i didn't move away. Why didn't i?

I feel his lips crash onto mine than i hear a door open and i push him away.

"oh my jonah why'd you do that" i say in disgust

I look over at the door and see daniel with a hurt look on his face

" dani." i say standing up

" i leave for a second and you leave me to make out with my best friend" he scoffs

I shake my head

" no..No daniel" i say

" just stop " he says and turns around

" Daniel stop" i say as i walk after him.

" DANIEL!" i say as i pull his arm back

Tears run down my face and turns back and pushes me against the wall.

Not roughly but enough to hold me in place.

" why" he looks at me in the eyes and i look at him

" i didn't do anything okay i just helped jonah since he was drunk" i say and look at him directly in the eye.

" she's lying" a voice says and i look over and there stand a brunette girl walking towards us

" morgan it's not the time" daniel says and i look at him

" it's true tho, she brought jonah upstairs and they were making out, they even ran into me and told me not to tell you" she says and i look at her in disbelief.

Daniel looks at me even more hurt and tears in his eyes.

" i can't believe" he starts but i stop him

" daniel stop she's lying oh my i'm your girlfriend believe me not her" i say with tear running down my face.

" fuck you" he says and walks away and i try to run after him but morgan stops me.

" don't even try sweetheart" she says and i look at her in disgust

" let me go fix my relationship that you ruined bitch" i say and spit in her face.



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