My gift

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We started to walk home, which in my opinion was peculiar because my mom had a car.  Good thing our home wasn't hours away like most homes.  I was wheeling Mr. Fresh in his new wheelchair.  I could tell he was really embarrassed about it, mostly because he refused to look directly at me.  I giggled a bit, "I think your wheelchair makes you look a lot cooler" I said lifting his spirits, or that was my intention.  He smiled and turned his head at me.  "Heh, thanks"  I knew he felt a little better about it.

Soon we reached our street, it gave me certain memories that flooded into my mind and made me shiver.  I didn't like the fact that we were back, the entire thing happened not far from here.  I think I made a good call when I asked if Fresh could stay with me and mom, because who knows what would happen if he lived right around it all.  He still believes it was all his fault, but it wasn't.

That made my thoughts turn to a different part of the subject.  He said he doesn't know where Error went, even though he passed out right after using so much energy.  And at the same time, mom doesn't know either.  She explained to me that Error just dissapeared all the sudden.  She said maybe he teleported, but I don't believe her for one second.  She knows he didn't teleport, she just doesn't want to admit it.

We got to our house, and Mr. Fresh stood up when we reached the porch.  "Wait! Is it okay for you to stand?" I asked.  "Don't worry, it's just a couple steps I'll be fine" He assured me. Half of me wanted to demand him to sit back down, and the other wanted to trust him.  Trusting him won.   I dragged the chair up the steps as he walked up.  Then I got it inside, instead of him sitting back down he sat on the couch.  So I wheeled it next to him. "Thanks babe" He said.  I blushed, it seemed like it should be normal but it was still so surprising.  It's not even official that we're together but he calls me that anyway.

I sat next to him, and I saw Ink frown from the corner of my eye.  This might be a little difficult if mom is watching our every move.  Suddenly, Fresh wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close.  "You know... Those few weeks, knowing nothing about how you were and not being able to see you... I dreaded it. I tried so hard, so many times to see you but I couldn't"  He said quietly.  I knew he was talking about the hospital, I know it was hard for him.  But he was a lot more desperate than I thought anyone would be towards me.  I hugged him "I know, but It doesn't matter, were home and we can look past it."

I felt him shake, and it's like his mind was tumbling down a rocky mountain and it couldn't stop.  I felt his tears on my jacket "Look what I did, I put us in that dreadful position... I don't know where Error is... and... and... IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" He covered his face as his eyes were powerfully flaring a deep purple.  I grabbed him trying to get him to stop. "Fresh! Calm down! It's not your fault!!" "Then who's fault is it!? It's not mine! It's not yours then who!?" I looked at him, I stared straight through his soul.  I didn't know, I wasn't sure how to answer.  He caught me in a position I didn't know how to explain, even if I made up an excuse, he would prove it wrong.

I stayed quiet and stared at him, and my eyes looked like a black hole.  I didn't care what he did, I said quietly almost so no one could hear me "You were right, I'm lying. It was your fault. And it was mine too"  He looked up surprised by my answer.  I didn't wait for him to reply, I stood up and walked up to my room.

Fresh's POV

I don't know what just happened, I expected her to say nothing but she admitted it.  Oh no what did I do? At this rate I just yelled at her saying it was all my fault, but that's what I've been complaining about this entire time. 

I stood up and almost fell, I don't care if I fall a million times.  I need to apologize.  I started to run but fell over instantly, driving my face into the floor.  Then I pushed myself up and kept going, I got to the step and fell to my knees.  Then I started to crawl up the steps.  I felt like I was dragging the entire world behind me, but somehow I was still going.  It took all of my breath, and I was breathing the last bit of air I seemed to reach.  Soon enough I reached the top of the steps and used the wall to pull myself onto my feet.

"Paperjam?" I called out.  I didn't get a reply, but I knew she heard me.  I walked to the door that had a drawing of PJ on it, I instantly recognized it.  It was from me, when we were younger.  I remember I gave it to her and it still feels like yesterday. I know exactly what I said.


"Um... PJ?" She turned to me and away from drawing on the sidewalk.  "Yeah Fresh?" She asked with a smile. "I Uh, drew this for you" I handed her the drawing and she took it.  She inspected it and her eyes got wide.  "Thanks Fresh it's amazing!!" She squealed.  "Your welcome. I drew it because you were cute, and I wanted you to see it everyday" I said quietly blushing.  

I smiled, and I knocked on her door.  "PJ?" I asked.  She didn't answer me again.  I smiled "Heh, I remember this drawing. Do you know I drew it for you? When we were super young.  You were so happy" I said with a smile.  I knew she could see it through the door.  "And you gave me a hug when I said you were cute.  Do you remember that?" I asked.  I heard her faintly through the door. "A little"  I took it off the door and looked at it, from a better view.  "When we were little, you would always punch me in the arm, you were so confident and strong.   And I was the shy one, and I remember how you would always tease me for it"  I heard her laugh at that.   Then she opened the door.  "Tell me more stories"  She said in a cheerful voice.  So we both sat down as I told her more about our childhood.  Making her laugh, I love her laugh.

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