Chapter IV- Kiss Goodnight?

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                             this?.. Is this a JOKE!? I stare at the paper and rip it into pieces. I won't let this thing play with me.I walk upstairs to my room and start packing.I think I have enough.This place is creeping the hell out of me.

As I packed my stuff I took the phone.Trying to call a friend it seemed like the signal died"fuck" I mumble and walk downstairs to the housedoor.Pulling ,I realise that it was locked "huh?! Who.HOW" I pulled as hard as possible.No chance.Someone is in here.Or was. If it really is a ghost. I continue on pulling and start on checking the Windows.No one opened up "what is going on here! Let me out of here!" I yell before feeling a shiver run down my spine.I stare to the door of the room and see a silhouette with the doll sitting infront of the person,both staring at me.

I hear a sudden childs voice echo " Why are you leaving already?Did your parents not teach you rules? I won't let you go.Play along.Follow the Rules or die." the sillhouete came closer.I screamed and closed my eyes in fear.Opening them back up ,the person dissapeard and the doll was sitting infront of me.My heart was close on literally jumping out of my chest. My body shivered as I looked down,seeing the rules in the hands of the doll

 My body shivered as I looked down,seeing the rules in the hands of the doll

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"..n.h.h.." I didn't know how to reply.I looked at the time and saw it was close midnight.I take the rules and stare at them.I read the last sentence " Kiss Goodnight " Do I really need to?..I asked myself before taking the doll and walking upstairs. I stared at the Childs room and opened slowly the door.I was scared.His room looked all normal.Toys around the walls on shelves.Just like you'd expect a children room. I walk over and look for some pijamas.Taking them I put them on to the doll.I didn't have a problem with it since it was just a doll.I put it into the bed and stare at it "uh...goodnight..." I didn't dare kissing that things head.So I walked out of the room. Only to hear a short cry.

I feel another shiver.I didn't dare another look into that room.Yet I had to.I..started feeling those motherfeelings. I didn't understand why.Opening the door to check what happened ,I saw that Brahms was gone"huh?...Brahms?" I walked closer to the bed and jumped as the door shut close "What the?B-Brahms open the door!" I yell and see how the doll was sitting on the chair.Tears covering it's eyes "huh?......" I walk over and see that there was another paper saying " Why can't you make me happy?I want my Goodnight Kiss "

I stare back up to Brahms" I........" What do you think why?This is a DOLL."I'm sorry " What? why did I say that?..did I really feel sorry? I asked myself before putting Brahms back to bed "I'll try my best next time okay?...." This time I had to.I gave the doll a kiss on the forehead before closing the lights and leaving the room.

"God...w.w.hat is happening?"

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