Chapter VIII - Good girl

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I gasped for air as I used my hands to push against his chest

" Let go of me you bastard!" I yelled out, spitting at his Mask before I managed to kick into his guts with my healthy leg.

Brahms immediately let go of me, groaning as his hands slided downwards between his legs while kneeling down.
" F-Fucking Bitch!" He said loud in anger as he watched how I tried to hump away into the living room, I looked around in panic, not knowing where to hide before I finally slipped under the red couch.

I was glad that the couch was high enough for me to stay under it. My leg  felt like it was burning as I still had to take care of it but not when a psycho was roaming in this house.

"Where are you!!" The voice yelled as the grabbee onto the sides of the doorframe which lead to the living room. Brahms looked around, moving his head as the mask did shorten his eyeview.

I managed to put my hand over ny mouth, trying to keep in any noises while I stood silent, I felt sweat run down my forehead as my body was shivering. Fear.. Yes. I am scared. I don't know what to do, how to get out of this hell I fell into. I never did anything wrong, why did this need to happen to me?

" TheRE yOu ARe" the male voice said in a distorted voice as the face came into view with my own.  I shrieked loud as I got pulled out from under the couch.
"No! Let go of me you psycho!" I yelled out as I struggled once more to free myself but no chance. He tighthened his grip on my arm , his nails digging a little into my arms.

" I am giving you one last chance. If you apply, I'll let you live and one day allow you to get out of here. If you don't. Then I will make sure to rip out your heart- " he held his sentence as he layed one hand over the spot my heart was beating. " -and make you watch it beat while it stops."

There it was again, the fear that this man made me feel " a-alright...a.a.lright. I..I'll  make...make sure that I follow the rules. Please Brahms, let go of me."

With a flick Brahms had let go of you. It was so simple. He stepped back, staring at you most of the time. How suddently his expression changed.. his anger was like. Gone in a sudden. That's at least what it felt and looked like.

" There. Was it so difficult?" He said as he tilted his head. He took a step forward again, standing in my privacy.
I looked up, gulping as I tried to step back but couldn't cause of the red couch behind me.
My body flinched as he held up his hand slowly, moving it towards my cheek as he caressed it a little. Confused I couldn't make a sound, not cause I didn't want to , more or less my body felt like it froze, as if it had frozen my voice so it wouldn't escape.

" Good girl." He said as he put his arm down and walked away into the distance, dissapearing into the walls.

The Boy[Brahms x Reader] (won't be continued.)Where stories live. Discover now