Chapter V -Lights out

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Mun: sorry for the wait! I had lost some inspiration but now I do have some ideas to continue!

I walked over to my room before the lights  in the house start to flicker before shutting down completely  "Great" I say as I wasn't able to see anything. I use my feelings to coordinate around ,looking for a candle and lighter. I  give the candle it's flame before walking downstairs. This was probably the most scariest thing for me. Beeing here in complete darkness. I walk down ,checking where the main light switch was to get them all back on. I turned my view around. Seeing it, I walk over to turn it back on. Nothing happened.

I stare around the  house,hearing sounds of footsteps. My heart started beating enormous. Is someone in here...? Is it Brahm's Ghost?..but I did what he wanted!

I quickly made my way upstairs before I felt my foot being pulled by something ,causing me to crash all the way downstairs. I let out a loud painful groan as I hit my head against the dark brown wood floor "Ngh fuck!" I yell in pain as I  held my leg.  The candle  fell out of my hand and rolled around the floor. The fire suddenly died out. Causing  the darkness to surround me. I could say I was lucky the flame didn't start burning anything..this would have been an disaster.

I tried to get back up ,only causing myself to crash back down to ground. Another groan left my mouth as I felt my leg broke. Fuck this can't be happening now! I need to call my friend to help me." I crawled slowly over to the phone close by. Taking it I try to call for help but it was dead. My eyes widened as I felt someone breathing on my neck. I slowly pull phone down while my hand was shivering in fear

What is behind..ME

I slowly turn around with closed eyes before opening them. Nothing was behind me. [Am..Am I going crazy?]
I thought to myself . What should I do now?.I. I can't get up. I only feel the pain in my leg and head. Did I slip?But I felt something pull me.. 

I'm going Insane

I try my best to crawl over to the stairs.Making my way slowly upstairs while touching around the place to find my orientation. Finally after a long 10 min I reached my room and pulled myself up,crying out in pain. I looked around for a medikit and took anything that could maybe help me out. Caressing my broken leg I  heard a sudden child like giggle. I stared back up to see where it came from.  The sound stopped while my heart continued to beat crazy. After sleeping I need to get out if here. I can't go without seeing anything.

I let myself slowly lay on bed and try to sleep. I didn't care to change my cloths. It took me a long while before being able to fall asleep with the pain.

I woke up the next day after having a nightmare. I nearly screamed but was able to keep my mouth shut as my eyes shut open. My heart rate was the same from the night. I sat up and looked at my phone. The time was close 7 am. I was supposed to take care of that doll. But fuck. That.

I tried to get up. Finding something to hold my gravity  I took my way downstairs. I reach for a call once more. Yet the phone was still dead. "Fuck" I curse under my breath before making my way to the front door. Trying to open it I realise that it was locked "Huh?.." I stared at the door. Locked??? Who locked it??

Turning around I make my way to the other doors and windows that lead outside. All of them were locked. No one was here to lock it. There has to be someone.. someone who still is in this house who doesn't want me to leave... I start hearing more noises around the house. I start to shiver even more as I hear my voice called in an Echo "(Y/N)~" it was Brahms voice. Was it coming from that doll? I ask myself . I turn to check around before .  I had enough. I made my way slowly upstairs.  Seeing the family portrait of the Heelshires I pulled it off in anger. I was shocked as I suddenly saw a door with multiple gaps in it.

"The heck..." I look at the door. I tried getting the door open. Making my way inside. The walls were empty??? With ways through? Is is this a dream?" I walk inside slowly ,seeing some gaps around the walls. I saw that they were holes to spy My eyes widened. What if someone is the in here?!.. I try to stay calm and continue to walk before entering a big room. "What is this.." I cock a brow and see a doll on a small dirty bed. My cloths and other 'lost' things were there "Someone did spy on me?!" Were  my last words before someone smacked me from behind


The Boy[Brahms x Reader] (won't be continued.)Where stories live. Discover now