Whats going On?

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I stood .. shocked at what was just prodcasted all over New York 

"BL/inds are now taking over you all will wear grey clothing and take pills that will help you in you're life 

this city will now be known as Battery City 

no one can leave ... if you object you will be severly punished 

thank you for you're co-oporation

Gerard gripped my hand and whispered 

"We have to leave Serena ... we have to leave now"

"Gerard what about our families?"

"We HAVE to leave Serena.."

I shut my mouth ... I knew he didn't want to accept it our families we're probably all being pilled as we speak

Mikey, Frank and Ray all came running towards us. 

Frank stopped and leaned on Gerard and sucked in some air and finally spoke.

"Gerard ... Serena we have to get out of here there are.... what are they called Gerard?"


"Yes those things in you're book there comming LIKE RIGHT NOW"

Gerard and i both whipped our heads to see 3 Draculoids coming towards us with .... omg ray guns pure white ray guns ... Gerards comic was... actually happening.I was looking around for something use to defend ourselves when i saw a truck

"Mikey you know how to jump start a truck right?"

"Sure thing Serena but why?" Mikey Replied

I pointed to the white truck and Mikey nodded.Mikey was already running to the truck.

Ray and Frank found some type of wood and they tried hitting the dracs but it didn't really work. I realized Gerard was still gripping my hand he was in shock?

"Gerard... Hey .. Gerard ...Are you okay?

no answer 

"GERARD!" I yelled and he jumped 

"what? .. what? oh shit ... Serena lets go!"

ugh he was such an idiot some times ... 

he was holding my hand really tightly that it almost hurt. 

Gerard and I both Jumped in the back of the truck while Mikey started driving towards Frank and Ray. but then suddenly changed course and went straight into the dracs. 

I screamed and Gerard laughed bringing me into his chest so I could relax.
I heard the car skidd and yelled at Mikey.
"Jesus dude do you even have a li-"
but was cut off by Gerards hand over my mouth he winked at me and smirked.
I felt butterflies in my stomach but quickly dismissed them as I was too focused on getting out of this city alive.

Ray and Frank jumped in the van and Mikey sped the car straight out of the city and into the Desert....It was cold ... and the sun was just about to set. Frank was asleep in the back cuddling a plush teddy bear he found while I was laying on a sleepy Gerard chest and Mikey was at the wheel.

Ray was sitting next to me and he was looking at my arm at first i thought "meh maybe hes daydreaming" and then i felt cold air hit my skin and i realized
"Shit my scars did my shirt rip?" and too my surprise my long sleeved t-shirt was no longer long sleeved it was more cut mid arm. 

I pulled Gerards scarf off of him and covered my arm. Gerard didn't wake up .. Jesus that man can sleep through everything. Ray turned his face and towards the sun and asked

"Serena .....are you .. um  .. are y-you."

I stopped him 

"Yes Ray .... I'm okay .. don't worry about it okay" 

and I threw him a polite smile he smiled back and rested his head too sleep when i interpreted him 

"Ray .... can you promise me you won't tell the others about my arm .... you guys are all i have right now. and every person i have told has always abandoned me ....." 

My eyes we're getting teary. I felt the tears roll down my cheek.

"Please .. don't" was all i could say when Ray pulled me in for a hug and said 

"Don't worry ... i'm not that much of a dickhead .. But don't you think for a second that we will ever leave you okay .. you're like a little sister to me .... annoying and hot as fuck. but still my little sister." 

I smiled and wiped my tears.Ray fell asleep as I watched the Sun go down ...it was freezing in the desert at night so weird considering its the DESERT i felt gerard shift and hold me in a hug and i felt my face burn like i was .... OMG i was blushing? my face dug into his chest and i felt so safe and warm his arms we're so comforting. I feel tears come up again and my eyes rolled back as i fell asleep..


Well this is my first fanfiction ahaha 

I have a little bit of an idea of what i will be doing with this so yeah 

hope you guys enjoy :)

I'm currently reading The Lone Killjoy by Headfirst-For_Helena she is an amazing writer you guys should check out her fanfic ESPECIALLY THE LONE KILLJOY                                                         Im hooked on it :)

"When you look in the mirror and don't like what you see 

You can find out first hand what its like to be me"

Spirit Ninja Out xxx 

Gerard .... Did you predict the future? (Party Poison fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant