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Dark .... Have you ever felt completley dark inside and all you feel is emptyness, you feel incomplete and useless you keep running through you're head scenarios that turn out making you happy but in reality you're just dark .... 

That's how it felt to not be able to move and not see ... I could definetley hear thats for sure .. I heard Party crying, Kobra and Jet putting me on bed a bed ... I could feel people rushing around me and honestly it didn't feel good . I heard screaming from Party telling me to not give up.... to be honest I don't think im dead but I don't think im alive either ... 

"Spir-it ... please ... I need you ...." 

Oh how I want to respond to him so badly it is killing me ...., but I can't move...

I hear Kobra and Jet talking around me. 

"dude she's in a Coma I don't know how long she will be in it for I mean she may be able to hear us but she won't be able to respond ...." 

that must be Kobra .. hehe I never realised how alike his and Party's voices we're.

"well all we can really do is wait and hold on to her . there is no way in hell Party will let us give up he would rather die then give up on her ... he's in love with her.."

and that sentence made my already sunken heart sink even further . he loves me .. Gerard my best friend, my partner in crime ... the only person I have ever looked up to loves me. 

I can't understand it. 

I felt the doors open and came to a conclusion that Kobra and Jet may have left. 

but then I feel someone close to my ear. and then he whispers.

"Oh serena ... how I would love to kill you right here and now but unfortunatley I don't kill family hehe" I do not have a clue who this is but I feel his hand run from my thigh all the way up to my neck and I hear the door creak and the arm leave me swiftly and a strong breeze blow across my face.

who was that? ... have they left?..... who is in the room now?....am I alone? so many questions AND I HATE NOT KNOWING THE ANSWER UGGHHH 

and then I hear his voice. 

"ssSe-renna ...... oh how beautiful you look right now ..... pleaas-ee Pl-eaase don't Lea-ve me ....." he is sobbing now and that pains me more then anything. I hate making him upset.

Gerard ....... oh what do I do how I wish I could hold him right now and tell him i'm going to be okay but thats the thing I don't know if I'm going to be okay..

"SSer-ena I mad-ee a song for you bub" 

And a soft strum of a guitar starts to play and I know Gerard cannot play guitar very well so that means frank has come in.

"Serena i know this is your favourite song and when we realsed this I kind of dedicated it to you .. but I didn-tt have the guts to te-tell you .. "

what ? what song? oh how I want to hug him right now god damn it . this is worse then when I was in grade 5.

He started singing . and I swear if I could move I would have fallen to the ground and Sobbed for hours. 

"He calls the mansion not a house but a tomb.

He's always choking from the stench and the fume.

The wedding party all collapsed in the room.

So send my resignation to the bride and the groom.

Let's go down!

This elevator only goes up to ten.

Gerard .... Did you predict the future? (Party Poison fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now