Oh no ...Trouble in heaven

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My heart stopped , I could feel Party boiling at the sight and gripping my hand for dear life. 

I had to close my eyes it was too painful .... blood ..... so much blood ..... and in the red blood stood the one and only ....... my god ... Korse.

In his dull white coat not even abit of blood on that coat, in his hand, a pure white ray gun.

I saw Spooky,Pup, Dr. DD and the Boys get up from behind the counter, guns at the ready pointed straight at Korse. I didn't see Tear.....where is Tear.

Party and I both looked at each other and I saw the tears roll down his eyes. I had to fight myself to not ball out ... but when Korse was in front of me all I felt was anguish.

"Spirit......." Party Whispers

"Go straight back into the room and see if there are any Dracs"

I nodded and when I saw Korse smirk at me I felt like leaving Party was a bad Idea...

Spirit you should listen to Party he knows this!

Oh shut up Brain as if you know anything !!

you do realize you just insulted yourself hehe


I Ignored my brain for a little bit and looked at everyone behind the counter. Pups eyes we're running like a tap it was like she couldn't control it. Spooky had her helmet on so I couldn't see.However Ghoul was more angry then all of us together. But the thing I can't figure out is WHO's blood is this !! who did Korse kill. 

The silence was broken then none other then..... Korse.

"Hello Dearest Killjoys ..... Ready to die?"

Party acted quick and a little too quick if you ask me he twisted and threw me across the room over to the counter and winded me completely when I was caught by Jet a relief washed over me. Party dived straight into the hallway and into the room. 10 Dracs lined up right next to Korse. I could have sworn Korse looked like the Joker at this point with how wide he was smiling I wanted to rip that smile right off of him. what shocked me was that he looked me straight in the eye and when he did his smile turned sour and cold like he saw a ghost. I raised my Gun and pointed it straight to hid head. everyone standing up behind me doing the same it was like a Mexican stand off but we we're greatly out numbered.

But then he spoke... 

"you see ... Today I planned on killing the top killjoys and the Leader of the killjoys... But when I see you my dear I've changed my mind.... although I've killed you're friend ... I will let you off with a warning.... END THIS REBELLION ...... I don't want to have to kill you Miss Jones."

I was shocked ... no I was way past shocked it was more like Mortally Petrified he called me by my last name ... only the boys know my last name... I was stunned... but in the corner of my eye I saw Party standing directly opposite all the Dracs and then ....


The Dracs all collapsed one after the other like a domino ... he killed all 10 in one go...... well that's my Party ....I flashed Party a thumbs up and turned to look at Korse now I was the one smiling like the Joker ... But Korse was calm, He shook his head and turned on his heel lifting his arm up high Dr.DD Yelled out


But we we're all too late I saw Party jump straight towards me and grab my waist but he didn't stop He threw us both out the window getting a few cuts and landing on the desert sand quite heavily then next came Dr.DD , Ghoul, Kobra, Spooky, Pup, and Lastly Jet just before

BOOM..... black smoke everywhere..... I was leaning up against the wall when I heard a scream.

"SPIRIT GET AWAY FROM THERE" but It wasn't until I saw the black smoke cover me all over. 

My eyes started to give out and I saw Party covering his mouth with his bandana and picking my up Bridal Style. I felt my limbs slowly give out.

Right arm... Cant move.

Left arm... not as bad as Right.

Left Leg .... nothing

Right Leg.... Can move

Eyes.... closed 

and then total Blackness once again... 


"Gerard ... Gerard!!! come and look at the book I got you.!!"

I saw little me Running in a light blue dress kind of like Cinderella holding a book and seeing little Gerard kneeling on the floor pressed up againest a wall .... Crying

He had scars up his legs and arms and a black eye. He wore his yellow mask that Party wears and the Bandana as well. a different leather jacket but same jeans and same ....Ray gun??

"Gerraarrdd what happened....." 

Little Gerard shot his head up with utter disgust.


Little me was shocked, How come I don't remember this ever happening ? maybe it was just a dream !? .... no this feels familiar.way too familiar .... who is my dad??

"Oh Geeee don't be such a dumby" Little Me poked her tounge out to Little Gerard he just shook his head and laughed.

"Little Seryy ... I'm gunna miss you okay ... I can't save you .... but i'll find you when you realise...

So Long .. and Goodnight... Baby Sery

Just remember .. don't let them take The Light Behind You're Eyes"

Little Gerard gave Little Me a kiss on the forehead, I looked confused... why don't I remember this happening?? Little me just giggled but then saw Little Gerard run away....

Why was he running ? where is her going ? this isn't right ? how is this happening? Gerard was a killjoy? CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHATS HAPPENING!!!



woo UpdaaaatEEEEE 

I'm reading way too much fanfiction and I have school starting in like 3 days 

plus im moving to my aunties house ARRGGHHHH !!!!



you just have to wait...

"Mama We All Go To Hell"

Spirit Ninja Out xxx

Gerard .... Did you predict the future? (Party Poison fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat