I'm sorry ...Party

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The sun has risen and I swear the moment it hit my face my eyes shot up. Party wasn't next to me anymore which was sad. but three girls walked in. I recognized Lighting Pup and Spooky Kat but there was another girl she had Jet blue hair at the top of her head but it faded into a light blue green type colour. It looked like it was tied up quickly but got messy from a ....Fight?

Spooky came up to the bed side and I tried to act asleep but failed miserably.

"Mornin' Darl how you feeling?"

I sat up slowly trying to keep the sleepy act on.

"he-hey ...i'm good .. wai-wait you guys we left you with the Dracs How are YOU and Pup!!??"

Spooky laughed. and Pup stood up to sit next to me on the bed.

"oh hunny there we're only like 2 of those things left plus we had Tear with us and I don't think you have met her."

I looked at her closely I swear she wasn't at the Garage when I saw Pup get out of the car.

Oh now I remember.

"hey haha the names Spark Tear. Nice to meet you" she flashed me a smile and it was one of the most beautiful smlies I have ever seen.

"Pup ... can you explain to me in detail what I am right now."

Spooky laughed but realised I was serious. She took a moment to think which put me on edge.

"well right now you're home town is gone Spirit everything you ever had with you're old name is gone. The only family you have it the boys, me, Pup, Tear and Dr.DD. you must forget about the people you loved otherwise Korse will use it againest you. you're a killjoy now. you're fearless and cunning. and damn right you're gunna kill every Draculoid you see. our main mission is to stop Korse. but thats just what you are not WHO you are. I can't tell you that hun you need to find yourself."

I started crying and Pup gave me a hug. Tear went out and came back with some tissues and sat on the bed. Spooky went to get her helmet and placed it on the bedside table then finally joined me and the girls. I felt my world slowly and i mean really slowly colapsing around me.

Pup comforted me for a good 20 minutes until Jet came in.

"hey girls hows it going"

Tear ancd Spooky hushed him and pointed at me deeply dug in Pups arms.

He pulled a face that I couldn't exactly see. I lifted my head and wiped my eyes.

"Wh-whats up J-Jet?" I felt like something bad was going to happen anytime soon.

"well its about Party .... you might want to go check him out cause you're like ... his best friend and stuff.... Spirit what I mean is that he saw.." Jet put his head down and sat down on the armchair he looked so exhausted.

"Jet can you tell Party to come here... and girls can you leave me with him for abit."

everyone nodded in agreement.  The Girls all left blowing kisses out the door then Jet left and within 30mins came back ... with ... Party.

His eyes we're so dead he looked like real shit the bags under his eyes we're really purple and I felt my stomach leave my body the moment he sat on my bed.

How was I going to talk to him. First of all I don't know what he saw. But I have a bad feeling about this. If he saw the scars I would never forgive myself for making him this upset.

"Spiri-t ..... why?..." he stuttered, he always stutters when he is truly upset.

I saw Jet leave and just when I thought my eyes had enough of crying the tears came down once again. Party grabbed my arm and lifted this sleeve of my jacket to reveal my scars he was angry now I could feel it.

"What the fuck is this Spir-" he stopped looked around and walked to the door to see if no one was there and we we're completley alone then came and sat back down grabbed my arm again.

"Serena Jones what the fuck is this why are you doing this and do not give me some weird excuse that you do when you get in trouble"

I stopped.... he called me Serena shit he is seriously hurt.

"P-parrty .....I.....I-uh ......hmm"

I could'nt do it. he was so angry and so upset at the same time I felt like I was back in school. everyone watching yelling calling me names kicking and punching me and then he did the weirdest thing. He pulled me into a hug and let me cry and scream into his chest thenn I felt his tears on my shoulder..... and this time the voices went away ... 

No Kicking

No Punching

No Name Calling 

Just me and Party crying to eachother because of me. 

I finally got the courage to get off of him and explain. 

"Party. I mean Gerard..... remember when you first met-t me you found me in 5-5th grade lying in the c-corner of the hall w-way bashed up and br-bruised" I was really stuttering now.

"well Gerard I also told you about the b-bulling remember?" He nodded and he wiped his eyes trying to be strong for me.... sometimes he can be a jerk but be my beautifuol best friend that I have fallen for .... wait wat !! I snapped out of my mind and went straight back to explaining.

"Gerard the bulling was all throughout my whole school life even when we ent to primary school and you we're always there for me but my p-parents weren't they told me to get over it and there words hurt way more than those of the people at school.... Party... I started self-harming because"

It started again my tears welling up ready to burst out and make me look pathetic.

"I believed them ..... I thought I was worthless and I thought I didn't deserve to live.... I'm ...I'm.....So-"

He cut me off when he started ....what Oh my lord..... He's kissing my wrists .... he stopped and looked me in the eyes.. how could i hurt someone this bad?

"Ser-Spirit I don't even know how you hid this from me for so long but Do not be sorry I should be sorry for not realising that you we're hurting soo much... I wasn't exactly there for you when I was busy starting a band.... I'M Sorry.."

He pulled me in for another hug but my brain did something that I should have stopped myself from doing...... I kissed him I went straight in there totally oblivious to that I'm kissing my best friend and he is ..... Kissing me back? The kiss was passionate and well I loved it ... I felt the whole in my chest suddenly become full . I broke off the kiss but he pulled me back into it... now he was Kissing me....I felt like I could do anything now.

He picked me up off the bed not daring to break the kiss and he put me on his lap my legs on either side of his legs.. It was getting heated ... but I broke it off and Put my head down... Shit what was happening?

"Party.... I-um "

BANG we both snapped our heads to the door. I jumped off Party and got my weapons he went to the door and held his gun tight ready to fire.. I grabbed my equipment and grabbed his hand we both went into the main room with guns at the ready... 

what Party and I saw ... will never leave my mind for as long as I live....


Cliffhanger woop woop ahha 

I'll try and update soon hehe I'm reading so much fanfiction its crazy like so many feels !!

well how was the first kiss aye? aye?

and him finding out ... hmm :(

"Do or Die you'll never break me 

Because the world 


Spirit Ninja Out xx

Gerard .... Did you predict the future? (Party Poison fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora