The Arrival of Dr. Death Defying

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Spooky Called out to everyone.

"ok Party and Spirit go around the back and ..."

I interrupted her "No no no I'm with Jet ..."

I felt the cold stings of Gerards eyes. Ray looked at me as if he we're saying somethings happened huh? I just looked at the floor. 

Right now while fighting these Dracs I needed to focus not to be flirted on every 5minutes ... and I don't even know why he is flirting? I'm not pretty .. I'm not- 


oh shit Ray picked me up and took me around the back and he put me down.

"are you okay you're acting trippy I know its no time to talk  like this but its throwing you off and you need to focu-"

Ray was cut off by a ray gun nearly ghosting him completely if i didnt grab him in for a hug.

"holy shit Jet are you okay!!"

"yes i'm fine thanks Spirit was that a hug."


before I heard the dracs gun go off in front of him I heard another go straight through his brain.

and too my surprise my saviour .....Gerard ... jesus christ.

"well hey there sugar need a hand"

I could kill him , I was about to kill him when Ray stood up and pushed Gerard out of the way and he shot a Drac right between the eyes.


Ray just shrugged it off.

Party , Jet and I all went over to the main battle where Spooky, Kobra and Ghoul and oh my god ...... 2 other Killjoys. there was one girl with green hair cut in an un-even bob kind of like rihannas hair cut in her umbrella music video. she had a lime green coat that had a hell of alot of weapons in there and she was kicking those drac ass. her guns were all green 

another girl with bleach blonde hair ran to me.

she wore a cute plaid skirt with black stockings and her boots had heels with spikes her shirt was an Iron maiden shirt and she had a jacket similar to her friends but it was cut short still alot of weapons. 

"hey darl are you injured or anything?"

"no but ...DRAC COMING NOW!"

she turned around calmly and smaked that piece of trash right in the face with her gun she smirked and stood up.

"need a hand darl.. the names Lighting pup. my sister is Spooky Kat ... Ironic I know but meh she likes cats I like dogs"

She had a great smile and red lips like Partys Hair.

I grabbed her hand and she helped me up. 

Jet and Party stood behind me as I started shooting with Pup, we made a good team we killed two dracs. so far 4 of the dracs where killed. 5 left. 

I was shooting and suddenly felt an arm grab me from my waist and pulled me to the back of the Garage..... It was ... Gerard..

"come with me ... now Serena we need to go." then a Flashback of me and Gerard holding hands in New York cam back to me. I snapped back 

"what the fuck Gerard we need to help them."

"no .. Dr. DD told me to get you . he said to leave this to Spooky, Pup and Tear."

"no we can-" but he ignored me and pulled me around the garage to jump in the Trans-am.

"Hey guurl you okay....?"

that was Kobra. Next to me was Ghoul Jet at the wheel. Spooky In the Passenger and Dr.DD on the other side of me. Party was siting over me.

"Spirit..... Spirit..... oh shit... Spooky shes bleeding.."

I'M WHAT ....All of a sudden I felt a bit of darkness come over me.

"Spirit no ..... don't ... give up...."

Partys words we're fading and I fell straight to sleep.


Serena ..... Serena ...... 

Bitch.......Slut........Worthless......I hate you......

Punch her harder danyy ahahaha................

you should die you whore............................fat...


I shoot up out of the bed I was in screaming. Gerard jumped and

"Serena Serena its me Gerard you're okay? oh thank god  did you have a bad dream aww"

he hugged me so tightly I thought my body was going to fall apart.

"Gerard where are we?"

"its a more hidden hide out then before."

I laughed at his pun and I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"serena ... are you ...ummm"

I laughed and felt more tears roll this time I started weeping with them

"Gerard what are we going to do ..... our home is gone.... our families are gone .... and im so confused I thought this was all made up I thought...... I was just getting my life on track The names we're going to stop everything was going to be happy .... I don't know what i'm doing I thought it was just a silly comic book......"

he looked at me shocked but relieved that I finally told him what was wrong with me.

"I know .... I know"

I buried my face in his chest and cried really hard. 

Kobra, Ghoul and Jet all walked in and joined in the hug.

Kobra broke and started getting serious.

"guys we are really doing this .. its danger days and we need to focus .... we have to leave our old names behind from now on we need to call each other our killjoy names."

we all agreed. Party lifted my chin to him and he kissed my forehead.  I felt butterflies and knots in my stomach and a voice in my head said "kiss him you dumb bitch." but i just buried my head in his shoulder again.

Jet and Kobra we're talking in the room. Frank was playing with his gun and a knife.

Gerard jumped in the bed with me and held me close. I was still teary but not as bad as before.    

"Spirit ..... i'm sorry for being and asshole to you... I just ... I got excited.... you're my best friend I will not lose you do you understand."

I nodded in agreement. he started singing a song to me.

"Long Ago.... just like a hearse you died to get in again.

we are so far from you.....

Burning on just like a match you smite to incinerate the lives of everyone you know.

and whats the worst to take from everyyy---"

I fell asleep to the end of the chorus.

"So long and Goodnight."


I got so bored I decided to update hehehe 

now i'm done maybe in 2 days i'll update hehe 

give me ideas and stuff i need them ehehehe 

"you like D'n'D, Audrey Hepburn,Fangora, Harry Houdini and Croquet.

you can't swim, you can't dance and you don't know karate 

face it you're never gonna make it."

Spirit Ninja Out xxxx

Gerard .... Did you predict the future? (Party Poison fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now