Im Not okay

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4 days , 4 days that I have been stuck in this freaking room . It gets cold I've regained some strength in my internal organs physically but mentally I'm still not okay , I have always hated the feeling of wasting time or not doing anything . It feels like I'm worthless

Like the names they used to call me where all real

I've been having the dreams lately as well the ones about ..... Those kids , the mean ones haunting my brain.

I felt something lean on my bed making it tip inwards then I felt an arm run through my thigh .....

This was NOT Party ..... Definitely not MY Party.

I felt a tickling beard near my ear which sent a shiver down my spine "Baaaby cakesss what have y-you b-been up too-o"

I've heard this voice before

"I want t-to have some fun wit-h you doll-ly loo"

His hand slowly traced circles on my thighs carefully sliding up by each circle and got way to close for comfort he started reaching in and I wanted to move but I couldn't I couldn't even open my eyes the feeling was absolutely disgusting I wanted nothing more then to die.

Who ever this is I want him dead NOW

He started getting more intense pulled me half naked and did things this was when I realised how vulnerable I am he made my beds sticky and sweaty and moaned out my name

"See-rrenaaaa ohh GOd SEEERREENNAA"

I cringed at my name

How did he know my name

Why is he doing this

Who is he

Too many things going on in my head

I wanted to throw up, my stomach turned and filled up. He pulled out and I felt the bed lazily slip and bounce back. I felt disgusting and in clean. Then he spoke

"Seee-Rena HAHAHAH I'll s-er you la-aterr"

I heard the footsteps stumble and a creaking of a door opening and shutting.

Oh god ..... I've just been raped

I felt my arms gain more feeling and I could now move my arms but my everything else would not move

I didn't even wanna move I just wanted to disappear , this man I didn't see his face all I could do was ..... Feel him touch and do other stuff.

The door swung open again and I heard boots clunking towards me , my stomach lurched at the thought of the man coming in again but then a soothing hand gripped my hand and it was like electricity pumped straight through my body , my eyes shot open and I had leaped back and fallen off the bed.



So this is a crappy chapter I've been really busy lately heheh and I'm not the greatest at this writing thing but anyways

I did this on my phone so it's probs short :/

"Fire at will"

Spirit ninja out xxx

Gerard .... Did you predict the future? (Party Poison fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now