Don't touch me

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It's been two weeks since I woke from my coma .... I still have the bruises from that man , every time it see then I wanna fall to The ground and never stand again, the nightmares aren't helping either, I guess I'm just not good enough ,I'm just bullshit trash that needs to get a grip and realise I'm just a toy.

I have been trying to keep my weight at a good level so I can keep fit but Ghoul has been recently staring me down when I don't want food

He's making me uncomfortable

As for Poison he's been treating me like I'm a glass cup that could smash at any second



I felt my whole body jolt from the bed and all my senses come back I felt the bruises all over me from that man oh god no


I quickly covered myself in the covers so e couldn't see the bruises

He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaped into his arms tears streaming down my faces and stinging on my hips from ..... That man

"Jesus Christ Nin ...... Thank god you're awake are you okay .... Do u know how worried I was"

But all I did was sob into his arms and when I closed my eyes All the feels of that man came back to me

The touching , the screwing , the bruises started hurting more

I instantly pushed Party back

"I-i-i "

I collapsed back on the bed and screamed.

Everyone was standing around Party and I

"She still gunna need time to recover Party give her some space I'll work on her recovery go get some sleep and okay bro" I felt Kobras hands grip my waist and I instantly shivered under his touch and flinched away

I don't want anyone touching me I feel like dirt please don't touch me


I didn't realise I screamed until I looked up from the pillow to see Kobra staring back at me

"Oh ok I'm so-sorry Nin are you okay"

All I could think was



This bathroom smells like shit

I've realised how often I'm in here

Throwing up

Slitting my wrists

Crying in the shower

Taking anti-depressants

Anything to get rid of this pain

My wrists and my thighs are covered in slashes I'm interrupted from my thoughts with a knock on the door

"Spirit open up NOW"

Ghoul ..... No no no not now not like this , I'm standing on a scale it reads 137kilos no no no I need to lose more weight


No please don't shout I quiver under his anger and I hear the door smash down. The toilet has my spew all over it the mirror is broken I have blood running down my thighs and my knuckles are broken I don't dare look up at Ghoul I can feel his stare

"Serena ...... Oh Serena"

I feel my self about to fall when Ghoul leans in and catches me and falls to crouch on the ground with me.

"Sery ..... Tell me who did these bruises ...... Sery it's gunna be okay ........ Please tell me why you're so upset"

I cried my eyes out , I couldn't tell him no way he would lose his shit .... Never will I tell him.

"I-i-I can't ....I-I-I I do-don-"

I was cut off by Ghoul stroking my hair and softly singing The End to me.

"Now come one come all to this Tragic affair

Wipe off that make-up what's in is disappear...."

I started to join in

"If you look in the mirror and don't like what you see you can find out first hand what it's like to be me"

We sat on this fuck up of a ground until he lifted me bridal style and placed me on the bed. He left and brought back some pain killers and a towel

"Now Sery I'm gunna clean the bathroom and put you in the bath okay we have to get you cleaned up otherwise Geebear will lose his shit"

I chuckled at him and realised I would have to get fully naked for him . I'm already kind of half naked but I'm still wearing a shirt.


I don't wanna be bare ....."

He started scrubbing up the vomit and started at me with such concern

I sat up to the edge of the bed to see him properly

"Sery I've already seen you naked multiple times ..... It's fine really"

"No Frankie not this time ...... It was .."


I know brain I know just stop



"Look Sery I'm fixing up you're mess okay .. Everytime you used to catch me in these times you would cover for me and do everything in you're power to make sure I was never in trouble ... You're like my little sister and in this case Gee would get pretty pissed that this happened so I'm cleaning you up and that's that.... You know first hand about how bad I got .... Even though the tattoos cover it you still know where all my scars are ...... Now ill sis please shut up and let me clean you're mess"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his failure of a lecture ... But what was still running through my mind was

Who that man was

Who's blood was all over the lounge that day

And where's my Party?



I did this on my phone again so I couldn't put italics and bolds on some words and my auto correct is weird on my phone so when I get home I'll fix this chapter but anyways

Hope the 0 readers like this

I read way too much fanfiction honestly ughh

Give me all you're poison

And give me all you're pills

Give me all you're hopeless hearts and make me Ill

Spirit Ninja OUT XXXXXX

Gerard .... Did you predict the future? (Party Poison fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now