Chapter 25

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"How is she?" Sasuke asked worried Sakura sighed "Nothing. She still won't eat...she won't do anything" Sakura answered. Sasuke and Sakura were worried about their daughter, every since Sasuke brought Sarada back she's been doing nothing but laying in her bed...crying

"Sarada? Honey?" Sakura walked over to Sarada and shook her a bit, Sarada turned to look at her Mom and when she did Sasuke and Sakura could see sadness in her eyes and it made their hearts shatter "Sarada you need to eat" Sasuke said as she walked over to Sarada's other side of the bed when she looked away again

*Sarada POV* "I'm not hungry...." I mumbled sadly, everyone is worried about me Naruto, Himawari, Dad, Mom, and all my friends. "Sweetie you haven't eaten...please? For us?" Mom asked again but I didn't answer her because we all knew what I would say. I couldn't eat..I just felt numb

Dad stayed longer than he usually did so he could help take care of me, "I'll leave it here just in case you changed your mind" Mom set down the bowl of soup on my dresser next to me and they both left my room. I turned to look at it and sighed, I got out of my bed and took it in my hands I was about to walk to the bathroom quietly to drain the soup and say that I ate it until I heard....him "Eat Sarada..please? For me?" I gasped slightly and looked all around my room but I didn't see him anywhere "Eat the soup" I sat on my bed and began to eat

*Boruto POV* I sighed in relief when I could sense her obeying me, Kurama told me that since we're connected to him we can also talk to each other through our minds cool right? I continued to walk with Kurama beside me he also told me that he can change into a human! "How is she?" He asked "She's fine now..I can sense her eating" I said in relief "It's been a week now...maybe you should visit her" I looked at him like he was insane "Maybe while she's sleeping..!" He said quickly 'Maybe...' I thought

'Ok? Where am I now?' Sarada thought as she walked around and all she could see was yellow light "Sarada" She turned around to see someone who looked a bit like Naruto behind her "L-Lord 4th!" Sarada exclaimed as she recognized the Hokage Minato chuckled "Please just call me Minato" " what am I doing here?" She asked "Were here to discuss about Boruto" Kushina walked up towards and gave Sarada a hug "We know you miss him..and we know what happened..." Kushina placed her hand over Sarada's bandaged shoulder

Sarada nodded and motioned for Kushina to continue "But we know that you still want to save him.." "But why? Your right that I still want to save him...but he tried to kill do you know that Boruto...cares about me?" Sarada asked Minato and Kushina "Because your just like your mother" Sarada watched in surprise Hinata walk up to her

"Sakura wanted to help Sasuke when he was lost in the dark and walked on the wrong path, she almost died by his hand, but she still thought of his welfare and shed tears for him, because she suffered from loving you" Hinata explained. Sarada gasped when she realized that Hinata was right "Sarada promise me...that you will save Boruto"

"I-I'm going to bring Boruto back...I promise" Sarada smiled

*Sarada POV* I awoke with a start and looked at my window I saw a sunflower and blossom at my desk along with a note. I got up to look at the note

A sunflower that shines so brightly
A blossom that is so beautiful and strong
Just like me and you
My heart fluttered when I read the initials and immediately knew that it was Boruto, he really did love me..! Boruto...I swear no matter what it takes or how long...

"I will save you"

"I will save you"

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