Chapter 13

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"I got her!" Boruto went to attack Kaguya but she dodged it and kicked Boruto in the stomach. Naruto created a Rasengan and attacked her with it "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Boruto and Naruto both yelled and created 20 shadow clones "Boruto still remember the technique?" Boruto smiled "I was about to ask you the same thing old man" they both charged at Kaguya and attacked her from different sides along with their shadow clones "U-ZU-MA-KI! BORUTO AND NARUTO STREAM!!" And they threw multiple punches at her

*Boruto POV* "Alright!" I gave Dad a high five "That was awesome!" Dad yelled "Yeah! That was Boruto and Naruto stream!" "Hey don't steal my lines, Dattebasa!" Damn shadow clones..stealing my lines! We heard Kaguya groan and turned around to see her getting up "Fools..." She said and I found myself staggering back a bit by the amount of chakra in her "You got more in there right?" Dad asked and I nodded "Yo! Kurama! You ready?" "Let's do this Boruto!" I felt Kurama's chakra around me and I saw that Dad was also in his six paths mode

" She said and I found myself staggering back a bit by the amount of chakra in her "You got more in there right?" Dad asked and I nodded "Yo! Kurama! You ready?" "Let's do this Boruto!" I felt Kurama's chakra around me and I saw that Dad was also ...

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The battle was on!

'But what's going to be her attack?' Boruto thought, Naruto and Boruto were attacking her and she dodged them not even once attacking them and Boruto found it odd. Something was off. It was like she was waiting for something. Then, he saw it before Naruto even noticed it. A chain was flying towards Naruto! Kurama told him once his back when Naruto fought in the war as a teenager, he lost his connection with Kurama and it nearly killed him. He wasn't going to let this happen again. Boruto will not lose someone else he loves! Boruto dashed towards Naruto and pushed him out of the way when the chain wrapped around Boruto's cloak of Kurama's chakra and pushed him out of it.

Boruto gasped and felt a shock. Before he fell to the ground the last thing he heard was Kurama and Naruto screaming his name


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