~4~ No Games

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Yuki lifted her head, she sensed Kanames presence. She looked at her hand. Then pressed it against Zeros forehead.

"What are you..." Zero fell asleep. Yuki stared at Zero.

"Do you care for him?" Kaname came from the shadows.

"Yes." Yuki looked up.

"Do you, love... him?"

Yuki looked back at Zero. "I do not know..." she stood up. "... when i was human, it was simple, i loved you, And i wanted to help and protect the little boy i grew up with, but before i knew it, id grown to care for him, and he for me. Yes, i know now he loves me. Or did. Everything is completely different now. I need time, Kaname."

Kaname noded, because he didnt know how to reply. So he vanished. Yuki waved her hand over Zero and vanished as well. Yuki put on the sash for Guardians. She strolled around the campus.

"You kissed back."

Yuki turned around to find Zero slumped against a tree.

"W.. what?"

"When I tried to give you Shizukas blood, i was just giving you the blood, but you kissed back..."


Zero sped to Yuki and cupped her face. "I need to know, do you have any feelings for me, at all? I cant bottle my feelings anymore."

Yuki looked into those sad lavender eyes. She couldnt lie. She closed her eyes and rested her face in his left hand. "Yes."

Zero could breathe now.

"But Kana..."

Zero groaned. "Forget him! Hes your brother anyway. Yuki.. please, dont do this."

"I know hes my brother, but i was born to be his wife. We arent human, we dont have human customs."

"So you love him?"

Yuki sighed. "I... dont know. Somethings not right."

Zero pulled away. Yuki caught his hand and pulled him back in a hug.

"Let me go."

"No, you may have been able to mope away from me when i was human, but this Yuki is much more stubborn."

"Oh god, like you could be anymore stubborn!"

Yuki chuckled. "Hey." She smacked his shoulder and sent him thrown across campus. "Zero!"

Yuki raced to Zero colliding with him to the ground with an "oof".

"Im sorry! I dont have control of powers just yet. Are you ok?" Yuki asked with a cough.

"Im fine, but you..."

"Forget about me, Youre bleeding." Yuki reached for the streak of blood coming from Zeros head. Zero quickly grabbed Yukis arm.

"Your eyes. Youre..."

Yuki looked away. "Im sorry... I know you cant deal with me yet."

"Ill admit its weird but, i understand. Even after all the times ive hurt you, you never hated me. I dont think its fair if i hate you."

From far off they could hear the headmaster screaming "Maria has woken up! Big news big news! Maria Kurani has woken up!"

Zero and Yuki looked at eachother and sped to the headmaster.

"Maria is awake?"

"Yes. And she would like to speak with you." The headmaster gestured to the hospital wing.

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