~10~ Were Always Like This

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For the first time in a year or so Yuki and Zero stepped foot on Cross Academy. For now, there were no students just the headmaster and some hunters who needed a place to crash. Suddenly Yuki was two feet away from getting tackled by her adoptive father Keian Cross. Yuki prepared for the bumbling mess of a man.

"Yuuuki!" The headmaster gave Yuki a big hug. "Ive missed you dear daughter."

"And Ive missed you too! Hea.. father." Keian gave a big sigh of relief, still holding on to Yuki. "Father..."

"Yes darling daughter..."

"Can you let go now?"

"Oh right... sorry." Keian reluctantly let go. "Zero, its nice to see you as well."

Zero nodded.

They entered the headmasters estate.

"Your rooms are where you left them. Dinner will be ready in a moment. Go unpack."

Zero and Yuki looked at eachother than headed for Zeros room. Zero placed his suitcase on his old bed and proceeded to unpack.

"Should we tell him?" Yuki asked.

"What... i dont think he wantd to know what we did the other night..." Zero smirked. Yuki playfully hit him on the shoulder.

"Not that! That were... dating..." Zero chuckled. "What?"

"Its just..." Zero held Yukis face. "... nice to hear that from you." Zero bent down to kiss Yuki only to be interrupted by the headmaster barging in. Zero quickly broke contact and went to his suit case.

"Dinner is ready!" The headmaster said with a little dance. When he left the two laughed. Yuki went to her old room and reminisced of the "good ol days". She looked in the drawers to find old outfits. There werent that many, she was never one for fashion. She set her suit case on her old bed and headed to the kitchen. She entered to Zero sitting at the table looking like he wanted to stab himself as the headmaster was explaining the new plants he had been planting and what kind of water he used. When the headmaster went to go look at the dinner. Yuki looked at Zero and he mouthed the words "help me". Yuki giggled and shrugged. She sat down.

"Its good to see you, Yuki." Kaname was leaning on the doorway behind Yuki. Zero rolled his eyes. Yuki went and hugged her brother. When she tried to go sit back down Kaname grabbed Yukis wrist, and stared at her with shock and terror in his eyes.

"W.. what?" Yuki asked with a half smile. Zero tensed.

"N.. nothing. Lets sit.. shall we..." Kaname let go and took a seat across from Zero. Yuki sat in the middle of them.

After they chatted and ate they went to the living room. "Kaname, you have yet to tell me what that letter was about."

"Ill explain that in a moment... Zero... a quick word outside?"

Zero hesitated and complied. They went outside. Kaname sighed, faced away from Zero, starring at the moon.

"Im trying my best not to kill you right now. The only thing holding me back is Yuki. Im afraid Yuki would never forgive me if I did that..."

"What is it this time? You got an evil grandpa or something?" Zero crossed his arms. Kaname looked over his shoulder at Zero. His eyes flashed red and the tree behind Zero blasted into dust.

"My problem, is you."

Zero scoffed. "What did I do?"

"You touched her. In a way that she souldnt be touched, especially by an ungrateful Level E like you."

Zero clenched his fists. "What are you even talking about." Zero said through his teeth.

Kaname turned to face Zero and walked closer to him. "Because I can sense it."

Zero unfolded his arms. "Sense what?"

"God are you really this idiotic?" Kaname grabbed Zero by the collar. "Yuki is with child you insignificant pest."

Zeros eyes widened. "Let go of me you vile, arrogant, pure blood." Zero pushed the Bloody Rose into Kanames stomach.

"Kaname! Let him go!" Yuki was standing about four feet away from them. Kaname quickly let go. "Why cant you two get along for at least two minutes? Even for me." Her eyes flashed red and the ground cracked around her.

Yuki whipped around and went back inside.

Zero and Kaname looked at eachother with hatred. "Yuki wait!" Zero went after Yuki. Kaname stayed outside to cool off.

(A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for the awesome support, it helps me a lot! So, what gender do you think Yuki and Zeros child will be? Comment what youd like it to be. Stay awesome. Bye. 😘)

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