Nocuous Affection

83 17 4

Sept. 12. 2017.

Nocuous Affection.

A tentative step taken towards nocuous affection,
Resulting in a halsened end to an amorous relation.

The painful aftermath was inevitable, as was the last goodbye,
Now nursing a chronic heartbreak under the sky.

Reminiscing back to the old times reminds me of the wild chase,
The mad love, obnoxity, and craziness, I forget just in case.

Hauntingly beautiful times like those weren't ruled by rationality,
Instead, driven by impulse and insanity.

Wild and fast, if not stopped then ugly the end could get,
But if given a chance, repetition gladly follows without regret.

Everything was worth the tormenting pain,
After all, don't they say, no pain no gain?

They say it's wrong and absolute craziness, but who cares?
A beautiful daydream like this is, later, worth the scary nightmares.


Tentative: Uncertain, experimental.
Nocuous: Likely to cause harm or damage.
Halsened: Already predicted.
Amorous: Indicating love or sexual desire.
Inevitable: Unavoidable.
Chronic: Of a problem, that continues over an extended period of time. Prolonged or slow to heal.

No help was taken from the internet. I don't like taking help from internet. I hope you people like it.

I don't know when I update next, cause I don't usually write poems, only when I'm really emotional or motivated about something.

So yeah, that's about it.

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