The Best

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The Best.

Crying inside, begging for an escape,
From this time that captures me and twists me out of shape,

In the prison of my mind, I'm tormented,
Burdened with expectations, all doors seem to be cemented,

I'm struggling to catch up to this pace of life,
It feels as if my neck is beneath a knife,

One lazy moment and I'm wiped out,
But there's no one that listens to my shout,

I need an escape, I need some air, I need space,
But there's too much to be accomplished, to many goals to ace,

I want to sleep well, I want to lie down under the stars,
I want to have fun and ride in fast cars,

But that's all for later, not now,
When I've answered every question of "How?"

I refuse to take an escape route, I refuse to rest,
No space or break, not until I have achieved the best,

The best will be mine,
Like a star I will shine.


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