I Had Work

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I Had Work.

I once brought a beautiful white dove as a pet,
It flew away after sunrise and returned home at sunset,

We made a lot of memories and spent our time together,
I made sure to take care of its every feather,

Doting for the little thing was the most cathartic experience,
Spending time with it was a selfish preference,

Call me crazy but I adored our little conversations,
We talked to each other about all our situations,

No matter how high it flew, it always came back to me,
And I always motivated it to fly higher and fly free,

Life was moving fast, eventually my workload increased,
I spent more time working, and our time together decreased,

One day, I took my dove out in the field and raised it for flight,
I took out my gun and shot at its spread wings in broad daylight,

It fell to the ground, wings bleeding, tears poured out of its eyes,
But I was too busy to care for it, so I cut ties,

I left it there, bleeding in agony, and went away,
I loved my little dove, but I had work to attend to, that's all I can say.

Glossary :

Cathartic: that releases emotional tension, relaxing.

Not promoting animal cruelty or poaching or any sort of violence towards any creature.

It's simply an ugly example of how humans treat other creatures for their selfish motives.

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