Skin to Skin

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Skin To Skin.

The storm grew fiercer as their heartbeats synced,
Fulminating as each touch left their skin inked.

The skies raged and a punishing bolt of lightening struck,
They felt the electricity as together their lips stuck.

Hailstones pelted the windows loudly, distraction failed,
'Cause in that room, only their desires prevailed.

Moans got louder, their passion burned like fire,
Needing to reach their high, the need dire.

Wolves howled louder, the trees shook,
Plunge in the sea of ecstasy, together they took.

Charged with desire was each carnal bite,
Screams of pleasure ricocheting in the stormy night.

The heavens looked down upon their grave sin,
Their heartbeats having a conversation, skin to skin.


Synced: harmony
Fulminating: protest strongly
Prevailed: superior/ widespread/ predominant
Dire: urgent/ pressing
Carnal: relating to the physical especially sexual appetites
Ricocheting: resounding/ echoing.

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