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Carve my name on your wrist, I know it's tough,
Actually don't do it, it won't be enough,

Break for me and hurt for me,
Kill for me and die for me,

Break your heart and hurt yourself,
Kill your pride, let the anger die by itself,

Break your heart and hurt yourself like I did,
Kill your pride and suppress your anger like I did,

My heart broke because it loved yours,
I killed my pride to feed yours,

Apologize, beg, cry, come undone,
If you don't hurt, then it's no fun,

Sugary promises of a forever,
Haven't borne any fruit whatsoever,

Drive yourself insane with the endless wait,
And know that I'm purposely late,

Wait for my text and stay up for it,
Wait until your eyes are red and the sky is lit,

Wait for it the next day too,
And I still won't text you,

Wait a month, and still love me the same,
And watch as I leave you as if it's all a game,

Start getting comfortable with my absence,
Lock your heart, and create a fence,

Then watch as I break your heart again,
Just a simple move of mine will bring you pain,

You're incapable of such selfless devotion,
All this to you is just a frivolous notion,

But I did all of that and so much more,
No wonder why I'm shaken to my core,

Tattoo my name on your heart, I know it's tough,
Actually don't do it, it won't be enough.


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