Old And New

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Old And New.

My old self, she began from you,
Took a long run, and ended on you,

I was taking shape, and you molded me,
I shaped myself to impress you, come see,

You made me, but I was weak and fragile,
So I broke easily, only to become agile,

I tried mending myself, my hands stained red,
Tried all solutions, to no avail, tears shed,

There was no use, the scars would remain forever,
I would look, scratch, and hurt all over.

Mind set on recreation, the remaining pieces I shed,
Wondering, to all this, a small thing lead,

Turns out, my new self could live without you,
And also love someone that wasn't you,

That someone being my own self, another too,
You had once created me, now you got no clue.
It's actually 2:28 am, Monday morning, and I wrote this in like, ten minutes.

I was listening to this sad song and suddenly, the words started literally flooding my mind, like, I didn't even have to rephrase them to make them rhyme, except the last four lines, but that's beside the point. So ya, that's how crazy it got.

Usually I sit down, have my book and pencil and songs and then I play a song on repeat and let my mind relax so that the words can come to me and then I think and rephrase them and edit them and make them rhyme, it usually takes an hour or so if I'm motivated that much or sometimes it can take days coz I just won't feel motivated enough and won't take it in my hands.

This time I didn't even get the book and I just started writing on my phone, HOW CRAZY IS THAT?!

Ok, it's 2:35 and my brain has gone to hyperactive mode or maybe sleep deprived but it's making me a little shaken up, so I'll wrap it up here.

Bye guys!

And you better vote coz I wrote for u people AT THIS HOUR!! I'd like to point that out! :)

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