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Why am I just laying on my bed again?  Oh I remember, because I don't want to face Logan!
Maybe I can forgive him, I mean it was her fault he says. No, no I can't forgive him! I can't cave like all the other girls in books that I've read about.
I'm not THAT stupid.
I walked out and saw Logan on the couch next to Evan.  I debated taking to Logan but then decided against it.
I miss him so much though.
"My parents are coming over today and the think we are still together" he said.

——-This next part was an idea from RiseOfThePaulBros, thank you so much—-

It was exactly 4:00 pm, and Logan was on his way to drop me off at this guy named Macks house. I don't really know what for but he's a male model so I might just get some sweet revenge on Logan.
"Are we almost there?" I asked impatiently.
"Why so eager?" He asked keeping his eyes in the road.
To get some revenge.
"No reason, I just don't want to be stuck in this car for much longer." I looked out the window so he couldn't tell that I was lying.

We arrived at Mack's house, and let me just say a freakin God opened the door! Not Logan, I mean Mack. I walked in his house and looked around a bit while he talked to Logan about God knows what. 

 A few seconds later Logan said that Mack was gonna watch me while he goes to the Apple store with Brendon.
"I DONT NEED A BABYSITTER!!" I yelled outside of the house. I'm kind of happy that Logan left though.
I sat on the couch with Mack and we watched a show called "Keeping Up With The Kardashian's" but I call it the show of girls with daddies credit card!

I found my self talking to Mack throughout a whole episode just talking about family and what we like to do, he likes to snowboard and his family sound amazing.
"Do you like Logan?" Mack asked me.
"No." Lie.
"Cool." The next thing I know his lips are on mine, but I didn't kiss back. I don't know why I didn't kiss back I just felt this love for Logan that lingered. 

 As I was about to move away Logan stands in the doorway. I push Mack off of me and was about to get Logan but he hopped in the car and drove off.

—-The rest of this book is my part, once again—-

His car sped off like a race car.
"I thought you said that you didn't like him?"
"Yeah, well I wouldn't have thought that he would kiss me." Even though that was my original plan.

I walked from Mack's house to Logan's apartment. Thankfully nobody was there.
Once again I am reminded of my emptiness and loneliness.
Then it hit me, Logan makes me feel joy, happiness, and alive.
I'm already out the door and in my car to find Logan.

Thank youRiseOfThePaulBros for helping me come up with a writing idea for my book!

Layla  { Logan + Ayla }Where stories live. Discover now