'It can't be mine'

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I shivered as I walked towards his house,how am I meant to tell him?what are we going to do?my emotions ran wild as I thought of all the possible outcomes.Fear was the most prominent emotion,and the future honestly scared the shit out of me but I know that it had to be done.A single tear rolled down my cheek as I reflected back to what happened last week.I made sure I didn't cry and thought of the positive outcome of this situation,I smiled and looked down  at my stomache rubbing it fondly.
"Lets go see you daddy then"I murmured down.
"Ughhhh" I moaned as I threw up again in the toilet.
"Babe you ok?"Shawn said coming in the toilet.
"No I feel really sick and Ill and ugh"i moaned.Shawn walked towards me and pulled me into his chest for a hug.
"It's ok baby"Shawn whispered in my ear.
Then it hit me.
"No..."I whispered pulling away from Shawn.
"No,No,No,No,NO!!!"I shouted pushing Shawn out the toilet.
I'm late.
Very late.
Two months late.
I grabbed it out the bottom drawer of my bathroom and tested.I waited those couple of minutes for the results.Breathing in I looked down at the result.
It was true.
I was pregnant.
But it's so wrong.
Very wrong.
Walking out the toilet,I bit my lip as I saw Shawn lying on our bed on his phone.He sat up when he saw me.
"You ok love?"he asked.
"Shawn I'm pregnant"I blurted out.Shawn took it in then cracked a smile,he ran over and hugged me tight.
I didn't hug me back.
He put me down and saw the frown on my face.
"Why aren't you happy?"he asked confused.
"Shawn you idiot THINK"I said.He took a couple of moments to realise.
"It can't be mine..."he said.
"Exactly we haven't slept together since we got back together"I said.
"That means the baby is..."Shawn started

Shawn took it pretty well and was very comforting to me,I asked him if he could come to the hospital tomorrow but Shawn was at the studio tomorrow,meaning I had to call the gang(apart from neels)I took a deep breath as I texted the gang on our group chat. Couple of hours later,Ellie,Stassie,Maggie,stormi,Aiden,Jack,Johnson,Gilinsky,Matt,Sammy,Nash,Hayes and Cam came to my door.They all greeted me with confused expressions so I invited them in.
They all made them selves comfortable in Shawn and I's living room. Sammy sat on the single couch and Stassie sat on his lap. Cam,Matt,Nash and Hayes sat on the floor leaning on the big couch whilst Lynn and Johnson cuddled in the corner of the edge of the big couch,Maggie and gilinsky sat next to each other in the middle of the couch while Ellie and jack cooed over Amelia next to them.Aiden and Stormi sat on the other end of the couch.
"Wassup Ash?"cam asked.
"Where's Shawn?"asked JJ.
"You ok?"stassie asked.
"Do you need to beat anyone up?"said gilinsky clicking his knuckles.
"Guys!stop,i will get to why your here in a bit cam,Shawns at the studio,yes I'm ok and no g I don't need you to beat anyone up"I said in one breath.
"Guys what I'm about to tell you,you can't freak out..."I said.
"Course we won't"said Hayes.
"Ok...well...you see..."I stuttered.
"I'm pregnant"I finally said.

There was a long silence in the room before Ellie squealed and ran to hug me followed by the others.They all bombarded into me with hugs and congratulation.
"Wait,why do you look like that?"Nash said looking at my face mid hug.Thats one of the reasons I love Nash,he always knows what was going on.
"Because...the baby isn't Shawns...it's neels"I said.
"Woah hold on wait,are you saying you cheated on Shawn with neels?"said jj.
"What?No!of course not! This was before me and Shawn got together,me and Shawn haven't slept together since we got back together so the only other person was neels"I said.
"Have you told Shawn?"Stormi asked.
"Yeah he knows,he's really supporting me"I replied.
"More importantly,does neels know?"asked Aiden.
"No"I sighed,"I don't know how to tell him"I signed.
"Well one things for sure,this baby is going to be spoilt rotten!" Jack said.
So here I was,standing at the gate of Neels house,I was in disguise because paparazzi were buzzing around me,I had gone to the hospital with Lynn and they had confirmed I was nearly 3 months along.
Walking up to Neels door,I knocked on it three times waiting for him to open the door.
The door opened to reveal neels and his smiling face.
"Hey Ashley!"he said pulling me in for a hug.
"Hey"I said breathlessly.
"So,what are you doing here?"he asked me whilst we sat in his living room.
"Well Neels,you know when we were together that we slept together"I said blushing.
"Err,yeah"he said rubbing the back of his head with a sheepish smile.
"Well the thing is...I'm pregnant with your baby"I revealed.He sat there for a moment and took it in.He stood up and ran out the door,slamming it behind him.I ran after him but he was already in his car taking off.Oh no.

I stayed at Neels house waiting for him to come back after I had called him a million times.Finally after hours I heart the door open and close.I stood up as Neels entered the room.
"Neels,I'm sorry if you want to abort it"I said tearing up "we can"I finished.
He stood there for a moment.
He walked towards me and for the first time ever,I was scared of him.
I closed my eyes and waited.
Two warm arms embraced me.
No don't do that,I want this child"he said smiling down at me.
"Phew"I said.
We spent the night discussing legal things like what we would do when the child was born and we decided that we can split days with the baby when it grew up but for now it will live with me but Neels would come see it every day.
"Who would you like to be there when you give birth?"Neels asked
I thought for a while before answering.
"I want Lynn to be there"I decided feeling most comfortable with my sister.
There ya go,what do you think of the new plot twist?comment in the comments!
I am going to be doing shoutout for votes,reviews(comments basically) etc.
ok that's all
Luv Tarryyy X

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