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(A/N) :sorry for updating like after a century, OMG! I have 90 views already?! Thank you for the votes toooo luv you guys ^×^ , hope you like it ^.^

Jaebum's POV-

"It doesn't matter that he was yelling, So, are you?" Boi, I swear if he deni- "No, I'm not. Why would I be a prostitute?"  "Didn't you just say that the faster we guess the faster you could leave? Like why are you denieing if you want to leave?" Yugyeom said taking the words right out of my mouth, "Well who would just plain out say that they are a prostitute? I may be one but we still have SOME self respect like jeez." Youngjae said sounding affended somehow. "Whatever a-" I was trying to talk but this asshole cut me off! "Even, if you know what I am how are you going to get proof? Didn't think about that did you, haha" Youngjae saud laughing cluessly...

"Well if you are so sure... I am just going to turn off my voice recor-" "WHAT?" And he cut me of again! What the hell! "Is this enough proof to blackmail? Because like Jesus Christ how much more do you want us to expose you of!? " Bambam yelled obviously from bordom. "If you are going to keep yelling at me I am going to leave." He started to get up so I said "guys what should I post first? I'm thinking the porn site... " I gave him a smirk of victory as he started sitting back down.

*sighhh* "What are you sighing about you should be telling us the next thing you are." Yugyeom said, "do you want a hint? *we all nodded* then tell me why you want to blackmail me, like I never did anything to you, did I?" Youngjae asked a little confused "

Shit! What am I supost to say now? "Yeah, that's a good question Jaebum." Bambam said seriously wondering, come on brain think of a stupid reason... *ding* "sorry, my mom texted but you can keep talking, don't mind m- what time is it!? So it's 3, but my mom wants me home at 4:30 'cus she wants to go out, so come on tell me so I can tell you." Youngjae said as I was trying to think... Oh! "Fine I'll tell you... Because I thought you would of been that cliche character that would have like a dead parent and be happy for everyone else so I made a bet with these guys, they won because they said you were gay and a slut." I said acting as if it's too bad I had to say anything.

Bambam and Yugyeom looked unamused, but Youngjae was looking back and forth from me to them, he looked a mixture of confused and like he doesn't believe me. "Well, you guys are rude, and why did you bet on me in the first place, did you really not believe my beautiful and perfected acting?" Youngjae said very cocky. "It's not that important, okay? Stop trying to get around telling us the last thing!" Yugyeom said very unexpectedly...

"Ugh, finnnnnnne... Ima- you don't have that tape recorder on do you?" "So what if I do?" "I will take that as a no, *sigh* I'm a stripper...and you most likely aren't getting any proof for that unless you somehow know what club I go to ... AND, I'm just average at that so you won't like find me on like an avertizment for that club, but I'm working on it haha" Youngjae said kind of casually.

Yugyeom's POV-

listen fam, I'm not stupid. I'm totally gay for Bambam so I think I know when someone is gay for someone else, it's like a 6th sense. And boiiii is JB gay for Youngjae, and I'm a good friend so I just helped him out a little, I had to do it myself because Bambam is not the brightest crayon in the crayon box. When Youngjae leaves I'm just going to tell him that I know, the funny thing is that I'm not even sure he knows himself. Like let's be honest, Im Jaebum is a mad dense person when it comes to a lot of things.

"Oh, look at the time, what a shame I gotta go!" Youngjae said looking at his imaginary watch while starting to get up, he wasn't lying it was already 4:30 somehow like a lazy writer that needed to post, oh well. (I am thinking about making him like a type of narrator, comment what you think)

"Bye, hope I don't see you tomorrow, but I am going to probably have to for the blackmail talk" Youngjae said sarcastically and smilling. Once he closed the door I looked right at JB with a stern,serious, and straight face. He gave me a guilty and confused look.

(A/N) : wow! It's been 84 years, welp I hope u liked it and please tell me what you think, if you don't like it tell me how to fix it, if u got any ideas that u think would be interesting or cool then let me know ^_^ thank youuuu 4 reading, I will try to get another chapeter in the next few days cus hw be killin meeee <3 <3

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