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(A/N):Hey, so i find it easier for me to update like every weekish, cus it is literally physically impossible to post every single day soooooo, sorry for not posting but here u go ^}^ and just so u know i decided to just go with the Yugeom's narration thingy <3

Yugeom's Narration

We were currently stocking Youngjae. Jaebum told us that we had to wake up early and meet at the school gates a half an hour before school starts so that he could watch what the kid did. Yesterday after Youngjae left, Jaebum was confronted by your's truly about his feelings toward Youngjae and....

Flash back

I gave him a stern look, "what?" he looked like he was trying to hide something he was guilty of. "So do you have something to tell me?" I ask with a big smirk on my face "what?! no! W-Why do you ask that?" "Well i was just wondering when you were planning on telling us about your true feelings so that we don't have Youngjae finding out about them or run into a problem were he is asking why we are blackmailing but you can't think of anything but the truth which is that you want him to like you back and to get to know him more." I said smiling innocently

"Well I- wait WHAT! w-what d-d-do you me I-i, fuck it, how the hell do you know!?" I was laughing my ass off at this point and Bambam was just plain confused and shook. "Bruh, you are so obvious and i can just tell being gay myself." I said very calmly as I started getting worried because Bambam started coughing hard and Jaebum was trying not to laugh.

Now I was mad confused and felt like I should be embarrassed about something, but I didn't want Jaebum to change the subject so I talked again "Yah, listen if you keep being so obvious he isn't going to want to talk to you at all since at the moment he seems to hate you. So stop being such an idiot and think about what the fuck you want to blackmail him with and how you are going to get the last proof!" He was looking at me with a face of defeat, "Okay, but I have one thing to say... do you think being nice and trying to befriend him would make him weirded out?"

End of flash back

I honestly don't think stalking him is any better, but if we were suddenly nice to him he would find it a bit creepy and his friends wouldn't want us hanging out anyways. I noticed that Youngjae's friends Mark and Jinyoung were looking towards where we were spying from. We were kinda looking around a corner so I could tell they knew were here, but Jaebum told me to not talk to him because he was focused so I just let it be.

They were whispering and looking at us, they tapped on Jackson's shoulder so they could tell him probably but he was talking to Youngjae so Youngjae's attention was brought to them as well. Jinyoung looked back over to us and Youngjae looked too and he must of noticed. Jaebum was staring right at him so when he looked back at Jaebum he jumped a little but it wasn't very noticeable but he didn't move from where he was.

Youngjae's POV

I saw them and knew what they wanted to talk about and I wanted to get it over with"I am sorry hyungs but I have to go, I will see you all in second period!" Thank god non of them are in my first class. I started walking over to them and i see them casually go around the corner. "Where are you going?" Jinyoung asked sounding a little worried, "I have to go talk to some classmates about the homework they were having trouble on. Bye, Hyungs!" I walked around the corner and they were waiting for me there.

"Hi!" I say falsely happy knowing there are people around, but they didn't seem to get why I was being nice so while smiling i took out a sticky note from one of the side pockets of my back pack and wrote "there are people, don't think I am doing this because I want to." They all read it and understood.

They told me to follow them, they brought me to the roof, "Isn't it locked?" Bambam pulled out a hair pin and Yugeom picked the lock. we walked onto the roof and they put a piece of paper so they could open it when we leave but it closed enough to look closed. "I am guessing you want to talk about blackmail." "I am guessing you won't agree to the blackmail until we have the last bit of proof."

Jinyoung's POV (from the beginning of the chapter)

"Babe, you see them right?" I say to mark standing in front of him so he can look without them knowing , he looks and nods his head "That's Jaebum and his friends right?" I ask to make sure I am not going crazy "Yeah, why are they looking over here? What do they want?" "I don't know but I have a bad feeling." I really don't want them to be looking for who I think. "Lets ask Jackson." He mentions and taps his shoulder but before we can say anything Youngjae speaks up.

"I am sorry hyungs but I have to go, I will see you all in second period!" No, you aren't going with them, right? I see that they go around the corner, "Where are you going?" I ask, I was really worried and I don't want him hanging out with them. "I have to go talk to some classmates about the homework they were having trouble on. Bye, Hyungs!" He walked away and diapered around the corner.

"We have to follow them." I say instantly. "But he wouldn't lie to us right? He is pretty bad at lying to us." Jackson stated, he was write but I just had a bad feeling so i was going to try and convince them but Mark spoke first, "But I think we should make sure because they were there for a while staring and when he started walking towards them they left, doesn't that seem suspicious?" Me and Jackson nodded in agreement and we started exiting the same way they did not to long ago.

When we looked around the corner we saw them walking up the stairs and we followed them pretty far behind so they wouldn't notice we were following them. "They are going to the roof, aren't they." Jackson said sounding disappointed, "But the roof is locked, right?" Mark asked kinda confused, "They must have a key or something."

When we got to the roof we pressed out ears on the door and listened.

(A/N): I am so tired, my brain is worn out and 1143 words fam ^*^ I am sorry for not posting a lot so I thought i should make it at least 1000 and I wanted to give u a cliff hanger

huhuhuhu~~~ and i cant wait 4 da come backkkkkkk ughhhh the teasers *inhuman sounds*

anyway luv uuuu <3 <3 <3 hope you liked it!!!!

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