Chapter 2

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Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beggining of love- Mother Theresa 

Hey guys, Nice to see you've read on! It makes my soul happy


"Juliana, you have 5 minutes to get out of this house and get to school or your grounded!" 

"Mom! Im 21 you cant really ground me. Dont worry i'll be at school in time. It's freaking 7:30, School doesnt start till 8:45. Can you just be chill for a moment mom?"

"Fine, its just you know Scooter and his guests are coming over. You know how I get when he brings his guests over. Its always celebrities I dont know, and first impressions mean everything in the star world."

"You will be okay mom. You always make good impressions, im sure you will today!"

"I heard the guests are around your age. You going to get you some hunny?" Mom said whispering the last part winking.

"MOM! No stop! Thats just nasty. Im going to tell dad your being nasty." I said laughing

I grabbed a red apple and plopped down onto the bar stool infront of mom. Taking a bite and grabbing my Students of Success book out of my book bag.

"Young lady, did you not finish your homework?" My mom said with a deep frown on her face, "You know you are supposed to finish your homework at night!"

"Mom I was just getting some extra studying in and writing down some things I have to know for the test. I want to get a really high score. So im just going to study a bit." 

I opened my notebook to the page where my test notes section is and started writing down tips for a sponteneous college life. 

"Well, I have to leave for work. Your fathers already left. Get your studying in, then get to school. No skipping." She kissed my cheek and walked to the door grabbing her coat, bag, and keys. 

"Okay mom, I love you. Dont be too stressed out okay? All these late nights have you stressed. No stressing." I said sternly. She has been working way to much and its making her stressed out.

"I wont hunny. Dont forget I will be home at 7. Scooter is coming over at 9. Maybe work on cleaning the house a little bit? Thanks for your help lately darling. I'll see you after work, I love you." She said and then walked out the door.

I could hear her car crank up and rev up when she pulled out. 

I finish writing my notes and throw my books into my bookbag along with my laptop and my books I need for today. 

I run upstairs and grab my adidas shoes to go along with my adidas outfit. I grabbed my purse too and made sure my charger, wallet, and keys were in the bag. 

I have a Subaru Forester my parent gave me for christmas when I turned 18. Since I had just got my license and had been driving one of their cars. 

I hopped into my seat and turned the car on, turning the heat up. I put my bookbag in my backseat along with my purse.

I have to go pick up my friend Madison. We've known each other for forever. Matter of a fact since we were both about 5. We went to the same elementary school together. We lost contact for a while, but we were put in the same classes in 8th grade. We have been tight ever since. Yes, she has her own car. A blue and white Jeep Wrangler. But I mean best friends are better together right? 

Her house is practically like my house. Her Grandma and Grandpa passed the house onto Madison when they died, leaving money in the will for her to fix it up. It didnt need much fixing, she just added on a movie theater, changed old fixtures and features to modern ones, and turned some bedrooms into other things.

She lives in a beautiful white house with a fancy white fence. Behing her house is a beautiful farm like place with horses, goats, rabbits, chickens, and ducks. The farm circled around the pond behind her house. Her house has 3 bedroooms. 2 of those being guest rooms. She has the kitchen, bathroom, and dining room like normal people. But being an awesome friend, I gave her the idea of a movie theater (a pretty small one like mine) and a game room. I also helped organize her closet, which is a room by her bedroom. My favorite part of her house is the pool. 

Our neighborhood is about 10 minutes away from where Madison lives. She lives on a road with only like 2 houses. She lives right at the edge of the city, where the city turns to the country.

I pulled into her driveway at 8:10. It takes about 30 minutes from her house to get to the college. 

"Im here!" Madison yelled ripping my back door open and dropping her book bag and purse into the seat. After slamming my door a bit too hard and jumping into the front seat she gave me that smile that said it all. She was about to talk a whole lot.

"GIRL! Have you seen Dylan O'brien? I swear I would tap that. Like what does it take for a chick to meet the love of her life, we are meant to be. You think so right? Because no one else does. But I know deep down inside my heart, brain and soul, that we are meant to be. Oh hey ya know that Starbucks right by the college? Yeah stop there we will have like 5 minutes to get a drink and what white girl doesnt love starbucks? Yeah thats right none. And girl! They have those posteers with Dylan on them!"

"I'll stop geez. And yes you guys belong together. Is that the only reason you want me to stop there? For those darn posters?" I said giving her a sideways glance while turning onto the road before Starbucks.

"Darn posters? More like Hot posters. Get it right child." She said screaming it in my ear.

"Gosh we are here. What do you want." I said pulling up to the intercom thing.

Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you?

"Can you give me a moment please?" 

Sure thing mam!

"Can I get the Cotton candy Frappuccino boo" Madison said passing me a $20.

"Yeah, your paying for mine too." I said smiling. 

"Okay im ready." I said to the intercom

Okay, what can I get for you?

"Can I get 2 Cotton Candy Frappuccinos." 

That will be $7.24 at the next window .     

I pulled foward and paid. By time I got the drinks It was 8:38 and we had 13 m inutes to get to class. 

"Come on hoe! Faster come on im not being late to our first class because of you!" Madison yelled throwing her straw paper at me.

"I swear if you dont stop I will pull this car over. See if you get to class on time then." I said as I pulled into the parking lot. 

Me and her had the same classes. 

We had ACA 111 at 8:45

Local Business at 10:00 

International Business at 11:45 

Than we have a hour at 1 where we go to the local O'Kelleys and eat lunch and hang out till our last class.

Our last class was Lifetime Law at 2:20.

The day went by quick, with notes and presentation making, and Madison blabbing on and on about Dylan O'brien and how I was watching the show with her next time she came over. Which obviously would not be too long.

By time I got home and cleaned the house, homework seemed like death to me. 

Dinner wouldnt be too long and I had homework to work on some before mom and dad got home.

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