Chapter 8

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"Whether You Think You Can Or Think You Can't, You're Right."- Henry Ford


The night has been going great, justin included me in everything and I felt amazing. He introduced everybody and it was all going amazing.

It was 10 O'clock, and I had too pee. Like badly. Ive been sitting here for an hour talking to justin.

I stood up after telling justin and went in search of the restrooms. There couldnt be that many options of places!

I did my buisness and washed my hands. I walked out and went on a search for Justin. He wasnt where I left him. I walked down the side hall and seen two people up against the wall. 

Gigi Hadid, and... Justin? I gasped loudly not meaning to. "Oh my." I murmered. 

Justin jumped off of Gigi faster than I had ever seen him move on stage or anywhere matter of a fact.

"JULIANA! Its not what it looked like. Please just listen and dont run away!" He said franticaly walking towards me. 

I turned around and ran into the crowd where I knew he wouldnt be able to see me. I walked out of the Event hall. I couldnt help the tears that fell from the corners of my eyes. I called a uber and they arrived quickly, alot of ubers were around the event hall as they knew people would want rides home. I asked the guy to take me to Madisons house.

"MADISON!" I yelled as I busted through her door, knowing her parents were not home.

"Whats wrong! Whos dead!" She yelled running down the stairs almost falling.

As soon as she seen my tears, me being a sobbing mess, she could also see the smeared makeup, she grabbed me into a hug, sitting me down on the couch.

"Explain. Now." She said looking upset.

"He takes me to a ball as a plus one, and then as soon as I leave, goes and sucks faces with Gigi Hadid! I tell him im going to pee, and he does that. Its not that im even mad at him, we arnt dating! But he leads me on and makes me feel somewhat special, then does that! I didnt even tell my parents I was leaving, because I was supposed to be leaving with Justin, but no! I mean im sort of second guessing myself. What am I? Nothing special to him. So you know what! Im going home and im going to look like im not bothered and tell him how it is. And he wanted me to go to paris with him? No. Its not happening. Ill go on tour and we can be friends but nothing more. He showed me today just how many more, better girls, he could get than me." I said. I wiped my tears.

"Alright come on, im going to fix dinner and you are going to rant some more. Than we are going to have a calming meal not talking about it. Then you,are going to go take a shower, get your booty shorts out of my room, your tank top and you flip flops, and you are going to take a shower and refresh. While your showering I am going to fix you coffee and you are going to drink it on the way home, than tell that hoe biebs, how you feel! You got it! Come on, im fixing Cheeseburgers!" She said standing up dragging me into the kitchen

She grabbed pots and pans and toasted the buns, and put patties in another pan to cook. I cut up lettuce and all of that good stuff. She deep fried some fries and onion rings too. 

We fixed alot, I was hungry and apparently she was too.

I grabbed 2 plates and set two burgers on each plate. I put a handful or two of fries and onion rings on the plate too, with some ketchup on the side. 

"Crap I forgot the potato chips!" Madison said grabbing two of those medium sized bags of barbeque chips. We ate in peace and talked about my week and what events have went down. We laughed over funny memes, and talked about our favorite flowers. This is why we are friends, she is always there when I need her to be, and is just the best person I know. Other than family.

She grabbed the ice cream and cookies and we ate them. By then it was 11:55.

She grabbed the pot and the stuff to make coffee. 

"Go take your shower ill get my car ready and your coffee, we will leave as soon as your out." She said knowing I was tired and just wanted to get home. 

"Its too late to talk to Justin tonight, I want to do it tomorrow when we are both awake and can be honest and not upset with each other." I said standing up.

I walked up the stairs and got my clothes out of her bottom drawer. 

I hopped in the shower and washed my hair and body, and especially my face. I got out and dried off. I put the tank top and shorts on. I then slipped my hair into a cute messy bun and put my flip flops on.

"We going now?" I said when I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed my coffee and looked at her.

"Yeah lets go." She said grabbing her keys and shoving me out the door. 

"Dont worry your dress and stuffs in the car I put it in there when you was in the shower." She said starting the car and driving off.

By time we was at my house it was 1:00 AM and I had already messaged my mom telling her I had drove to madisons and would be home really late, to not stay up for me. 

Madison dropped me off with a hug and an I love you.

I walked in and went upstairs Justin was sitting on the couch. He went to stand up, "Just dont, Im tired we can talk tomorrow okay? Get some sleep, take a shower, something, you look like crap." I said going to my room and shutting the door. 

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out as fast as lighting. Today was a... different type of day. 

Tomorrow should be interesting.

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