Chapter 5

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Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. –Albert Einstein


I ran downstairs and opened the door. There stood Justin with an envelope, and flowers. He was wearing a tuxedo. 

"Seems pretty late to ask, but I have to meet up with my friend Dylan for dinner, and I was wondering if you would go with me? I have to move all my stuff in after."

"Um, thanks. I am supposed to spend time with Madison my friend tonight though." I said sadly

"She can come it would be like a fake double date!"

"A fake double date? Wow, nice to know im not considered a real date." I said laughing letting him in and then sitting on the couch.

"This isnt our first date. Our first date will be... somewhere you will really like." He said smiling sitting down beside me.

"Oh so now you know we will go on a date for certain huh?" I said playfully leaning towards him.

"Yes, I most definetly know. Speaking of that, here. Open it." He handed me the envelope.

I opened it and pulled out two backwards slips of paper. When I turned them around I gasped.

"Paris? Tickets to Paris? No way! Are you kidding me!" I yelled throwing my arms around him and hugging him like there was no tomorrow. 

"Yes paris. I talked to your parents about it. We are going the week before Christmas and getting back christmas eve night. You said you wanted to go to Paris so this is one of my many christmas gifts. I hope you like it." He said looking worried as if I didnt want to go, or didnt like the surprise.

"I love it! Im just a bit confused." I said being honest. 

"About what?" He said

"I mean we only meet yesterday and your taking me to Paris. People are going to think you like me and stuff." I said

"I dont like you. and if I did they could get over it. Youre just interesting and you give a pull for me to want to do everything for you. It makes me want to make sure you have the whole world. I dont have to like you YET, to spoil you and show you that you are just something special. Most girls would have jumped me last night, or asked for a signature, a picture. They would have tried talking me into doing it after dinner. They would have acted like hoes. You were just diferent. So now, you go call Madison. I feel like she will like Dylan." He said getting up and calling someone.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Madisons number.

Ring ring ring.

"Hey hoe" madison said answering

"Hey girl. So like justin, the guy I told you about last night, is going to dinner with his close friend Dylan, and wants us to come. So me and you can spend time together. And he said that he felt like you would like Dylan." I said after I walked into my room upstairs. 

"Dylan who and where we going?" She said. I assume she is coming by that.

"Hold on ill ask,"

"Justin where are we going, and Dylan who? How fancy we talking?" I yelled putting the phone down.

"We are going to the Carisma Restaraunt, Dylan O'brien, and its really fancy but if yall aint got anything just dress normal!" He yelled from downstairs. 

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