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Five years later.

After the not so wedding, I was kicked out. Mom and dad didn't think it was a good idea to keep mine and Harry's baby so they kicked me out. I was seventeen, pregnant and scared shitless. Even though I was pregnant with his baby Harry wouldn't help me in any way. Sydney is four years old and he has never seen her. The last time I talked to him was two months after she was born, he called me and told me he wanted nothing to do with the "bastard child" and that he would not pay child support since he wanted nothing to do with her.

I didn't mind, I didn't need him money, I didn't need him. I'm sure I could have taken him to court but it would be to much trouble and I would have to actually see him, I couldn't do it.

"Syd, come here!" I called up the stairs.

Sydney was beautiful. Every mom says their daughter is beautiful but Sydney really was. Her chocolate brown curls and piercing green eyes resembled Harry, she resembled Harry more then she resembled me. Even at four she was very smart and alert. She knew when things were wrong, she knew she was different then most of the kids in her daycare. She knew there was something missing in her life. Even though she had Joey as a father figure she knew he wasn't her farther.

Joey had taken on the responsibility of taking care of me and Sydney when nobody else would. He was there for us when nobody else was and I own him everything I have. He flew Sydney and I to LA when she was two and we have been living here with him ever since.

"I hate daycare. Why do I have to go?" Sydney whined as she scooted down the stairs.

"Because mommy has to work and Joey won't be home until tomorrow." I explained to her for the tenth time this morning.

Another thing I owe Joey for is my job. I am now working as a manager at a restaurant downtown, Joey is now an accountant, working six days out of the week. Together we make good money, enough to live in a nice three bedroom, two bathroom apartment only twenty minutes away from Sydney's daycare center.

"I hate it there though." Sydney whined as I slipped her small arms through her jacket.

"I don't care." I simply said.

"The kids are mean."

"How are they mean, honey?" I asked the sweet girl standing in front of me.

She looked down at her small brown boots, not wanted to make eye contact with me. Much like Harry would.

"If you don't tell me then I can't help you." I explain.

She lets out a deep sigh, like she had been holding her breath in. "They say my daddy left because he didn't want to have a stupid daughter like me." She whispered.

The light that filled her eyes minutes before had left the moment those words left her mouth. My heart broke for her. A lot of kids are fatherless, a lot, but all the kids have two parents at the daycare Sydney goes to. She is the odd one out only having a mother, even though she has Joey as a father figure he is not her actual father, he's not even her step father.

"You're not stupid. You are so much smarter then those kids, that's why the are calling you stupid, because they know you are smart." I tell her.

I stand up as I grab my purse and fling it onto my left shoulder before taking my keys in one hand and Sydney's hand in the other.

"Why don't you marry Joey?" She asked as we step into the elevator. Our elderly neighbor, Mrs. Carnell smiles at the both of us as we step in.

Her grey hair springs in all directions and her clothes indicate that she has either just gotten out of bed or that she has decided today is a pajama day.

"Well," I pause to think. Why don't we get married? I mean we have been together officially for two years now. He is a sweet, caring guy who provides for us and loves us. But the idea of marriage just doesn't seem to fit right now.

"Will you marry my daddy when he comes back?" She asked as the elevator doors opened. Mrs. Carnell steps off the elevator, flashing us a lazy smile.

"I think we have talked about this long enough." I tell her.


"You're seats are right this way." I tell the young couple as I lead them near the back of the restaurant.

It being a Friday night the restaurant is rather busy. A lot a reservations are made each day but Friday is usually the busiest night. Usually I would wouldn't be seating people but with two waitresses calling in sick last minute I needed to help.

"Someone will be with you shortly." I smile at them before returning back up to the front doors where another family has come in.

"We have a reservation for Carter." the farther, I'm assuming, told me.

I scan down the long list of names until I reach the name Carter, which says there reservation is for 8:25 pm which is in a few minutes.

"Your table will be ready soon." I assured him.

"I made a reservation for 8:25 and I expect to be seated by then," he said harshly "you have two minutes."

"Yes, sir." I sighed quietly once I was far enough away.

Carmen came rushing into the kitchen moments after me, her blonde hair flowing down her shoulder. She pushed past a bus boy so she could get closer to me, out of breath, nearly wheezing, she said something about two men right outside the front doors fighting.

"I tried- to stop them- but they won't- quit." she gasped, her hands on her knees.

Right. Just what I need is for two, probably drunk, men to be fighting in front of the restaurant. Because that's always great for business.

I made my way outside to be greeted by a crowd of men and women cheering and screaming. I pushed through the crowd only to be shoved into the center of the circle where the two men were literally rolling on the ground.

All I could see was blonde hair. A blonde headed man being thrown onto the ground seconds before a boot connects with his stomach.

"Stop!" I yelled. I grabbed onto the collar of the other man and tried my best to pull him away from the poor man lying helpless on the ground. "I said stop it now!"

Brown curls fell in front of familiar green eyes as he turned around to face me. His dark features seemed to brighten slightly when he recognized me, but I knew my expression didn't match his. He had found me. Harry found me.


Hey guys! So yeah chapters are sorta short and have spelling errors because I'm not writing this on my computer! But yeah I decided to update on Tuesdays, only once a week for awhile because May will be a super busy month for me! So please vote and comment :)

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